Editor’s Letter: Introducing Our January/February 2025 Issue
A note from the Editor-in-Chief
Since 1954
A strong and clear editorial vision, committed to the values we’ve upheld at the Texas Observer for 70 years, is critical to not only the future of our organization, but the future of Texas and all who live here.
Abby Rapoport continued a family tradition of making the Texas Observer possible—by filling just about every role the organization has.
At 70, the Observer is publishing stories that are as vital as ever and building its community of support.
The Texas Observer lives!
After a terrifying near-death experience, we live to muckrake another day.
We rounded up some of our hardest hitting longform stories from this unprecedented year.
We can’t wait for him to get started.
We rounded up some of our hardest hitting longreads from the past ten years.
To celebrate our 65th birthday, we asked our founding editor about where the Observer has been and what he thinks about its future.