Oil and Gas Wastewater Spills Pollute the Lone Star State
Pollution from the energy sector has impacted soil, contaminated water resources and killed wildlife while the state resists new regulations.
Since 1954
Pollution from the energy sector has impacted soil, contaminated water resources and killed wildlife while the state resists new regulations.
A new documentary follows a couple’s winding path toward starting a tiny-home community for the homeless in West Texas.
As the former Texas congressman prepares to get into the lobbying game, the climate-change denier reflects on how he worked with industry to unleash a runaway drilling boom in the Permian Basin.
After the second Texas mass shooting in a month, Democrats call for action while Republicans promise to protect the “God given rights” of gun ownership.
The federal poverty level fails to take into account 2.6 million struggling Texas households.
A weakening El Niño, assisted by climate change, is driving scorching temperatures in Texas.