How Texas Commission On Environmental Quality Helps Polluters Evade Federal Law
Environmental lawyers say the state watchdog agency lets polluters escape regulation through legal loopholes.
Since 1954
Environmental lawyers say the state watchdog agency lets polluters escape regulation through legal loopholes.
After a deadly explosion in the town of West in 2013, Obama implemented stricter safety rules for chemical plants. Trump’s EPA has just undone them.
A new assessment from the agency downplays the risks of ethylene oxide, a known carcinogen.
A federal judge ruled that a “serial” polluter in Lavaca Bay can face more than $100 million in penalties.
Despite growing national concern about the health effects of “forever chemicals,” the state’s Congressional delegation has barely made a peep.
Cruz has studiously avoided confronting Trump. But when it came to helping oil refiners get a bigger share of the EPA's deregulatory spoils, the senator was more than willing to play hostage politics.
Trump’s EPA rescinded a rule that would have forced Texas to close a loophole exploited by industrial polluters in 97 percent of illegal emission events.
The controversial Supreme Court nominee has a track record of siding with industry interests over environmental protections.
A new report finds that 38 utilities in Texas are supplying water with radium levels above the legal limit.
Anne Idsal, a 34-year-old Baylor graduate whose family has long worked in GOP politics, said she’s unsure of the extent that humans impact climate change.