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Sheriff Beats Man Secured to Oak Tree Feb. 21, 1959 Marshall There is a thicket of red oak, pin oak, and sweetgum down in Cypress Creek bottom in the country outside Marshall, near Hall’s Quail Farm. A morning last November Raymond Ford, chief deputy sheriff of Harrison County, took a Negro man and a white man into the bottom and handcuffed them to trees. The white man says, “Mine was a oak, and his was a sweetgum.” The Negro, Y. D. Bolton, a 28-year old farm servant in nearby Harrelton, said under oath that the chief deputy sheriff beat him with a stick until he confessed they stole a power saw. The white man, Clarence Petty, a 33-year-old country boy who fixes cars and sets out bank hooks for catfish in the ponds and creeks around this country, said under oath Ford beat him with “an ellum club” about 200 licks for a period of two hours. He did not confess .. . This Wednesday afternoon in Marshall, a jury of Ford’s lifetime friends, including one woman who works in the tax collector’s office with him now, declared him not guilty on a charge of aggravated.assault on the white man. No case was made against him about the Negro. February 14, 19 75 15 404 B West 15 St. Austin, Texas 78701 472-1780 with greying temples, and nattily dressed in a dark suit, acknowledged the introduction in faultless grammar. “That wonderful introduction sounded like a eulogy. I thought for a moment there that I should have done the decent thing and died.” Laughter. He lapsed into the vernacular of Lum and Abner: “Abner and I tended our Jot ’em Down Store without no help from the giverment. Then back to his oil company executive delivery: “This does not mean that I am against the administration necessarily.” Laughter. “But anybody who can sit in a rocking chair and con the American public into walking fifty miles a day” his words were drowned out in laughter and applause. Lum did not play favorites, though. He told about the association for the preservation of outhouses in Arkansas. “We call it the Birch John Society,” he said. Considerable laughter. The bulk of his talk concerned big government and how it was ruining free enterprise. He said he prefers to call capitalism free enterprise. Our pioneer forefathers didn’t worry about social security. Private enterprise leads to a strong, solvent nation of free men. A turn to the government for help means regulation and control and loss of freedom, he said. It was three o’clock. The luncheon had started at twelve noon. Lum said, “Now it’s L*S*M*F*T time Let’s Stand, My Fanny’s Tired.” Laughter. “Ladies, we have come to a fork in the road,” Lum said. “Are we going to take the muddy, crooked path to the left with the signs that say, ‘Utopia Straight Ahead’? Or are we going to take the broad, straight, smooth highway to the right?” Up jumped the ladies, wildly cheering, to give Lum a standing ovation of several minutes. “Ladies,” Lum said in conclusion, “you didn’t pay me to come here. The Continental Oil Company paid my expenses. And you got exactly what you paid for.” Name Address City State [1 S5 1 year sub. RELATIONSHIPS AND SEXUALITY Nobody writes about it . Everyone today talks about relationships and sexuality. About how the two are involved. It seems the traditional mores governing female-male relationships are undergoing constant redefinition. Divorce. Open marriage. Living together. People everywhere are struggling to find meaning for themselves and their partners. It’s funny, though. In Austin everybody talks about relationships and sexuality but nobody writes about it. But that’s changed. Now. Before January the two-month-old Austin SUN had merely been the place to find tough-minded coverage of city news and the Austin cultural scene. In the current issue the SUN expands its concerns to issues of human, personal importance. Like single persons expressing a need to relate to several different partners. Married couples writing about monogamous relationships. People like yourself are trying to find their answer to those and other questions in this and later issues. That’s not all you’ll find in the SUN. You’ll find an incisive political column by ex-Daily Texan editor Michael Eakin; premier art and drama reviews by Steve Harrigan, Carlene Brady and Michael Ventura; and polished attention to Austin’s fast-growing music scene. But you won’t read them unless you seek out the SUN at one of 140 newsracks and 200 retail outlets around the city. The Austin SUN. Austin’s finally got a newspaper ready to be real.