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November 1,1968 25c A Journal of Free Voices A Window to The South The Texas Observer ii um p hre y Muit ee2Veated -7o Save the 211nocratic Part y The , division among members of the Observer staff and the mixed emotions each of the staff members has as to how best to proceed in the November 5 elections is reflective of the ambivalent feelings these days of many Texas liberals. The editor believes Hubert Humphrey should be defeated; the associate editor have come ’round, after some time, to believe Humphrey must, after all, be supported. Inasmuch as editorial policy is the prerogative of the editor, the Observer hereby expresses its support for the defeat of Humphrey and the discredited Democratic partythe while acknowledging disagreement with this recommendation on the staff of this paper and a Inside Bill Brammer on Hippies Ronnie Dugger on Austin’s Humiliation Robert Sherrill on Scripps -Howard An Editorial