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E Free radio costs fifteen dollars a year. A children’s magazine of the airproduced by children. Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke discussing his work on the film 2001. George Bernard Shaw’s Back to Methuselah just as he wrote itseven hours long. Regular commentaries by people like Bishop James Pike and Ayn Rand. News read in full in calm voices. Black capitalism as practiced in Houston’s Fifth Ward. The music it’s hard to hear these days: Opera doubleheaders. Jazz. New work by serious composers. Folksingers rapping and playing with a live mike listening in. Broadcasting like you’ve never heard. Fifteen dollars brings you four thousand hours a year of it. This is Pacifica listener-sponsored radio, which goes on the air in Houston early next year with a powerful FM stereo voice reaching across the upper coast area. For eighteen years now, Pacifica stations have been asking these questions over and over: What’s new? What’s worth attending to? What’s going on? The answers are sought on campuses and front porches, in ghettoes and concert halls, along lonely roads and in the tumult of riot. The programs Pacifica brings you ring with the authentic sound of our time and place. You hear urgent voices and cries of pain, high art and cool reason. And no voice with something to say goes unheard. No voices hold favored access to the microphone. It takes a monthly magazine, the Folio, to list everything Pacifica radio offers. This magazine is free to the station’s listener-sponsors. Today in Berkeley, New York and Los Angeles, more than 40,000 listeners subscribe to this adventurous and intelligent kind of radio. Now it’s coming to Houston, and your charter subscription can do much to insure the excellence of Texas’ first venture in community radio. The regular rate is fifteen tax-deductible dollars a year. Students and retired persons subscribe for ten dollars. And fifteen-dollar radio is totally free. 41. acit ca Houston, Tex. 77005 Enter my charter subscription. I understand that I will receive the Pacifica Folio each month. 0 $15 enclosedtax deductible. Payable Pacifica-Houston. 0 $10 enclosed. Student-retired rate. ‘ Name Address Phone City Zip code So that we may program for your interest and convenience: Occupation Program interests L_ _ _ –_ _1 1200 Bissonnet The space for this advertisement was a gift from American Income Life Insurance Company, Executive Offices at P.O. Box 208, Waco, Texas. Bernard Rapoport, President. a,