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GLENDALE FUNERAL HOME 1015 Federal Road Houston 15 Phone: GL 3-6373 We Honor All Burial Insurance Ed R. WatsonPresident this. . . . Lalo Solis of San Antonio is participating in plans to contest PASO chairman Albert Pena’s re-election as Bexar County commissioner. V Fuentes has been organizing PASO chapters in communities in a band from San Antonio up to Fort Worth-Dallas. He says that the only communities in that band which have not got PASO activity started are Temple, Hillsboro, and Waxahachie. PASO is represented as especially vigorous in Waco. In October, Fuentes will be working to organize PASO chapters in Yorktown, Kenedy, Yoakum, Cuero, and other towns in Southwest Texas. Pena reportedly organized a 90-member chapter in Palacios. PASO will hold a statewide convention under its new constitution Dec. 7 in Brownsville. p, In Georgetown, Fuentes recounts, a PASO group of 68 members has been formed, and the city fath’ers, who had not theretofore consulted Mexican-American citizens much if any, have asked for PASO’s support of a bond issue that was previously defeated. The previous issue made no provisions for improvements in the Mexican-American sections, but the current one provides for $178,000 worth of improvements for these sections, according to Martin Garcia, another PASO worker. The newborn PASO group in Georgetown told the city fathers that they would take two weeks to decide what their position would be on it. V A state’s motion that would have dis missed Crystal City Mayor Juan Cornejo’s suit against Ranger Capt. Alfred Allee accusing him of physically shaking the mayor twice was denied. . . . Cornejo’s political foes have no hope of forcing a new election this fall. . . . Dave Shapiro, who worked for Sen. Yarborough, is administrative assistant to Cornejo now. V PASO held a huge rally-1,200 to 1,500, Valley papers reportedin Rio Grande City, Starr County. Connally was blasted, Don Yarborough boosted. But “another Crystal City” would be unlikely there, with the local leaders having no job protection. V Important stories on Crystal City ap peared in the New York Times and Look Magazine. The Times story was distinctly friendly and pointed to constructive achievements of the Cornejo administration. The Look story presented Cong. Henry Gonzalez, San Antonio, as a moderate alternative to militant PASO. Cornejo is quoted that Jimmy Hoffa “is going to be president someday, I suppose” and it is hinted that Cornejo favors Rockefeller over Kennedy, as Hoffa presumably does. Immediately, Cornejo wrote Look \(sending Democrat” who was for Kennedy in 1960 and will vote for the most liberal man in 1964, whom he “seriously doubts” will be the GOP nominee. In a public statement, he said he would vote for candidates endorsed by PASO, the Zavala County Democratic Coalition, and DRIVE, the Teamsters’ political armapparently assuming that they will all endorse the same candidates. San Antonio Teamster leader Ray Shafer criticized President Kennedy for failing to send troops to Birmingham. V Republican Rep. Charles Scoggins, Corpus, called three Texas political figures, whom he named, “power hungry hoodlums.” The Observer does not choose to repeat the names. Who’s Running for Which V There is something repetitive about the way candidates come on strong and then fade in the who’ll-get-Yarborough speculation. Lloyd Bentsen may be backing off or swimming fast with an underwater stroke, depending on which pundit you prefer. Gordon McLendon, radio executive, was announced by the Denton RecordChronicle, then said he’ll probably decide whether to run in the next month. He’d go as a conservative Democrat ; he was Southern chairman of Young Industry for Eisenhower. Friends of rightist Robert Morris, Dallas, say he’ll announce, and Dr. Milton Davis, a Republican, announced on Monday; Jack Cox says he’ll decide by Thanksgiving whether to run for anything. V Talk now reaches the public prints that Sen. Franklin Spears, San Antonio, may run against Lt. Gov. Smith next year, or Sen. Don Kennard, Fort Worth, may, with Spears taking on Atty. Gen. Waggoner Carr instead. Spears says he’d run as an independent, not as a slate man. Don Yarborough says there’s a 50-50 chance he’ll take on Connally. V As expected, Jake Pickle quit as em ployer representative of the Texas Employment Cmsn. and announced he will run for Congress from the 10th district. He said he stands for “the most good for the most people through common-sense government.” Texas AFL-CIO’s newsletter called him “Port Arthur Story Jake,” after his alleged but denied part in putting to gether the notorious TV film on the Port Arthur strike for Gov. Allan Shivers. Pickle has worked for Lyndon Johnson and Price Daniel, also, and is a public relations man. Rep. Jack Ritter, another announced candidate, said he would support President Kennedy’s tax cut. Creekmore Fath, Aus tin, said this week he has been being soli cited to run, and it’s under consideration. V The Dallas Republicans have nomi nated two men, Jack Sampsell and Hughes Brown, for the two openings in the House of Representatives from Dallas. V Straws in the wind: Sam Kinch com mented in the Fort Worth Star-Tele gram that if Lloyd Bentsen runs against Yarborough, “he will have the passiveif not the activesupport of the present and two former governors and the Vice President of the United States.” JFK and Civil Rights V The executive committee of the Young Democratic Clubs of Texas adopted a sizzling resolution against Connally and for Kennedy on civil rights. We did not get a copy right awayit passed Sept. 5 with about a ten-vote margin, and was not publicized. It says Connally has “seriously jeopardized his claim to Democratic Party leadership” by attacking the public accommodations plan; the Young Democrats “are in no way satisfied” with Connally’s position on civil rights; and they reaffirm complete support of JFK on his civil rights program, “in its entirety.” State Y.D. president Andrew Shuval cast a reportedly reluctant aye vote. V Belden published a poll of Anglo Americans onlyhe did not report on the opinions of Latin-Americans or Ne groeslast Sunday on Kennedy’s propos als. He reported, among the Anglo-Ameri cans, 75-18% opposition to the public ac commodations law; 65-21% opposition to denying federal funds to discriminators; 86-10% opposition to requiring federal hir ing of Negroes; 56-33% opposition to re quiring unions to accept Negroes; and 54 3,8% support for federal referees at voting places to protect Negroes’ right to vote. . . . West Texas Chamber of Commerce op posed the public accommodations proposal. V Rep. J. C. Whitfield, candidate for mayor of Houston, endorsed the public accommodations law and a Houston biracial committee, said he would withdraw if he is not endorsed by the Harris County V The Houston Informer, in an editorial by Arthur DeWitty, said “we cannot afford to let [Don Yarborough] down” after his all-out support of a public accommodations law. V Sen. Yarborough condemned the Bir mingham church bombing as “the work of the devil.” Connally called it “a October 4, 1963 13 E U R O P E An unregimented trip stressing individual freedom. Low cost yet covers all the usual plus places other tours miss. Unless the standard tour is a “must” for you, discover this unique tour before you go to Europe. EUROPE SUMMER TOURS 255 Sequoia, Dept. .7Pasadena, California