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SCORECARD: PART II “The News does not think that Texas will stand by and permit the labor-liberal axis to undermine the sound structure created by conservatism in Texas.” The Dallas News, May 27. TEXAS : THE HUMAN SIDE 31st in infant mortality 40th in public assistance programs in general \(72% feder 50th in vocational rehabilitation 41st in old age pensions 42nd in aid to dependent children 42nd in aid to needy blind 1st in caseload per state social worker 40th in percent increase in per capita income, 1949-59 ,44th in percent of voting-age population voting in 1960 39th in aid to permanently and totally disabled only industrial state with no industrial safety law 40th in percent of population 14 and over unable to read and write V 30th in average school years completed by persons 25 and over V total of six state juvenile parole officers for Texas V no state home for neglected and dependent Negro children V 38th in percent of population 25 and over with less than five years schooling V 34th in percent of selective service registrants f ailing mental test 31st in pupil-teacher ratio in public schools 43rd in average length of school term in days 33rd in public school enrollment as percent of school-age population V THREE AND A SCRATCH MUD AND OTHERWISE O server Notebook THE TEXAS OBSERVER 7*W= Our endorsements in Saturday’s run-offs : Governor, Don Yarborough. His campaign has been fresh, direct, and thunderous, the way campaigns in Texas ought to be. He is pledged to reform and experimentation. He is not a bore. He has every old fogie and inflated moneybag in Texas on the verge of out-of-state terrorism. 99.98 per cent of the big dailies find him incorrigible. His wife is having another baby. A famous Austin lobbyist almost swallowed his cigar this week when we mentioned his name. Every piece of dead lumber in the legislature is working against him. John Connally talks only in chilly nostrums, except when he gets mad ; then he still says nothing, but he sounds like a junior version of Allan Shivers saying it. This election is going to be very close, so vote, and get your dead uncles and cousins in Duval County to vote also. Lieutenant Governor, Jim Turman. The Senate has been a jaded green subsidiary of Eastern carpetbaggers, for so long, it is hard to conceive The People at long last have an excellent chance. Preston Smith, Turman’s opposition, is the Senate Old Guard personified, intensified, and embalmed. From recent editorials, it becomes increasingly apparent that if Turman is elected, the Dallas News Dick Nixon’s new book, Six Crises, sells for $5.95, and one may be permitted to doubt that one should pay 99 cents per crisis in the life of Richard Milhaus. However, an Associated Press story tells about it. As you perhaps know, Nixon criticized Kennedy for demanding a strong line because, Nixon claimed, Kennedy already knew the invasion was being mounted, as he, Nixon, also knew. Kennedy established subsequently he did not know the invasion was being mounted. That’s a mere aside, having to do with the worst disaster in American foreign policy since John Published by Texas Observer Co., Ltd. Entered as second-class matter, April 26, 1937, at the Post Office at Austin, Texas, under the Act of March 3, 1879. JUNE 1, 1962 Willie Morris Editor and General Manager Jay Milner, Associate Editor Sarah Payne, Office Manager Ronnie Dogger, Contributing Editor may move to Waukegan. The fact that Smith shows Brigitte Bardot films in his movie theater, as has been charged, should not sway any liberals to him. The election of Turman would be a major breakthrough This race also could be close. Attorney General, Tom Reavley. Reavley, a decent and fair-minded middle-roader, has run into enough smears and half-truths from the Carlcamp to prompt a good man like him to get . out of Texas politics forever. In our humble view Carr is the most dangerous and ambitious man in state politics today. He is already eyeing the Presidency, we understand, which alone would justify a Second Secession. Carr’s past record is amply clear ; he has run with the gas lobby, the sales taxers, and the segregationists. He likes plush carpets ; he deals in plush demagoguery. Reavley deserves all the votes he can get ; he badly needs them. Congressman-at-large, scratch them both. Joe Pool may have paid his income tax, but his politics are a throwback to the Dark Ages. He is running in the Democratic primary, but that doesn’t mean much. Juxtaposed with Pool, fellow Dallasite Bruce Alger looks. like ‘a Menshevik. We have stated our case against Bean. He wants to repeal the income tax, at least for the decade ending this year. Foster Dulles. The main thing is what Nixon said he then had to do. Listen : “There was only one thing I could do. The covert operation had to be protected at all costs. I must not suggest even by implication that the United States was rendering aid to rebel forces in and out of Cuba.” All well and good \(although of course, “In. fact, I must go to the other extreme. I must attack the Kennedy proposal to provide such aid as wrong and irresponsible, because it would violate our treaty commitments.” To imagine: less than one percentage point. Published once a week from Austin, Texas. Delivered postage prepaid $5.10 per annum. Advertising rates available on request. Extra copies 15c each. Quantity prices available on order. EDITORIAL and BUSINESS OFFICE: 504 West 24th St., Austin, Texas. Phone GReenwood 7-0746. HOUSTON OFFICE: Mrs. R. D. Randolph, 2131. Welch, Houston 19, Texas. AUSTIN THE EDITORIAL CARTOON in our ever perspicacious Dallas News this week showed Connally, Smith, Carr, and Pool standing, nattily dressed, side by side, while a few steps to their rear a rather largenosed figure, labeled “Texas liberals,” is dipping into a bucket labeled “Pure Old Political Mud” and chunking for all he’s worth. A few days before, the El Campo Leader-News ran this advertisement, which we reproduce below ZNNALLY Give GO AHEAD vs. CIO RED ,”THESE ARE times of shrinking alphabets,” Stuart Long observes in this week’s Austin Report. “In ’54, it was the NAACP-PAC-ADA-LLPEDAC-AFL-CIO which Allan Shivers used in his run-off campaign. Daniel cut it down to NAACP-ADA-AFLCIO in ’56, and in ’58, with labor supporting him, all he had to run against was NAACP-ADA. This year Connally has lined himself up a lot of Negrp votes and some labor votes, so he had to settle for ADA all by himself.” The Connally people, parenthetically, have been distributing an antiYarborough blurb in Negro and Latin areas headlined “Here is Don Yarborough’s Record on Human Rights,” with the reproduction of a 1950 Daily Texan news story showing that Yarborough, as a member of the Student Assembly, voted against a bill calling for a campus referendum on integration at the University. The blurb has been placed as an ad in some Negro and Latin newsparers, with Yarborough described in huge letters at the top as “Louisiana-born, Mississippi bred.” The ads somehow neglect to mention that the Poor fellow is being supported by the Mississippi-bo -, editor of the Texas Observer, liberal racist paper published in Austin. They also fail to mention, interestingly enough, that Yarborough has taken straightforward stands against both the poll tax and public discrimination on race. Ah, that Pure Old Political Mud has a lot of seepage. \(Yarborough headquarters, it should be added, are directly responsible for the WE HAVE BEEN impressed by the fair news coverage of the governor’s run-off in most of the large dailies, especially, among others, by’ the Houston Post, the Houston Chronicle, the Dallas News, and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. They deserve to be commended. The most notable exception, of course, is the Austin American. Sam Wood, in one of those frontpage “news stories” which have made him famous hereabouts, this week stressed Connally’s warning that Yarborough is “laying the groundwork” for a state income tax, then said: 1. Hank Biown advocated an income tax, is backing Yarborough for governor, and was given part of the blame by Price Daniel for the sales tax because he failed to work with the governor for a “less regressive” tax. 2. “Yarborough again pulled the old Duval County ‘skeleton’ out of the bag.” 3. David Copeland’s plea to J. Ed Connally was “part of the Duval County playback.” 4. Copeland’s request “is the bearded gim mick of many past campaigns.” 5. “Connally . . . accused his opponent of irresponsibility, particularly in the field of finances. Yarborough. still nettled because he has not been able to force Connally into a limited debate, used part of his TV time to accuse Connally of ‘hiding behind billboards, and his publicity agents and his huge bankroll’.” For his efforts, the Observer will present Sam the Holmes Alexander Minor League Reporting Award for 1962. He will receive an inscribed hatchet. MISSISSIPPI expatriates are finding it difficult to believe what they are hearing from the home state these days. Two Mississippi Negroes have filed and, apparently, are actively seeking votes for seats in Congress. Rev. Merrill W. Lindsey, Holly Springs Methodist minister, is the second Negro to enter the state’s congressional contests. He seeks office in the old second and third districts, now combined, in the northeastern section of the state. The other is also a minister, Rev. Robert Smith. A third, Rev. Theodore Treammell, died of a heart attack soon after announcing his candidacy in another district. Lindsey, a 51-year-old native of the state and graduate of Mississippi’s Rust College for Negroes in Holly Springs, has as his campaign manager Aaron Henry, one of that state’s shrewdest and most effective NAACP leaders. Henry, a druggist in Clarksdale, stayed behind the scenes for many years with his work to prepare his people in that state to meet the often fantastic voter registration tests. Last year, however, some alert members of the Mississippi legislature heard of his activities and de, nounced him publicly as “a communist dupe.” THE INTERNAL REVENUE department made another El Paso political candidate uncomfortable right in the middle of his campaign this week. This time it was Rep. Mauro Rosas, who faces a nervous election day anyhow since he led conservative sponsored challenger, Dudley Mann Jr., by only 403 votes on May 5 in a four-man race. Austin district director of internal revenue, R. L. Phinney, announced late last week that Rosas did not file his income tax returns for 1958, 1959 or 1960. Rosas, told of Phinney’s announcement by the El Paso Times, said he was certain he had filed those years, but would check with Phinney and make a statement. A few hours later tax attorney Tower Leeper released a statement that Rosas had indeed filed for the years in question, but, as the El Paso Times put it, “he refused to say when they had been filed.” There was no withholding levy’ on legislators’ pay for most of the three years in which. Rosas’ tax payment record is being questioned. One West Texas legislator, on hearing the news of Rosas’ alleged delinquency, said an internal revenue man was in his own office that day. “Looks like, last year was the year for ‘doctors,” he sighed, “and this year the lawyers are getting it.” VIVIEN FRANKLIN, University of Texas student, reports on progress made in race relations on the Austin campus in the May issue of The Southern Patriot. Miss Franklin’s article is titled : “Renaissance in TexRs,” and is one of a series of reports the Patriot has announced it will print from various campuses. TWO CONTRIBUTORS to the Observer are due congratulations. Saul Friedman, ace journalist for the Houston Chronicle who writes next week on the Houston Fish, and Patrick Owens, editorial page editor have just won Nieman Fellowships to Harvard. \(Continued Other extreme