Trump in a fire suit saying in a bulleted list: 'There is no fire. There's a fire but it's almost out. The Chinese Set the fire. The fire'll disappear like a miracle. Put the fire out with Lysol. I'm doing this incredibly well. I'm not responsible at all. Without me there'd be a zillion fires. Nothing to see here, go back to church. There is no fire." As a fire clearly rages behind him.
Ben Sargent

Loon Star: Nothing to See Here, Folks


Ben Sargent, a bald, older white man with a bushy white beard is dressed in a suit and red bowtie, with his artistic tools, including pens, in front of him.

Above: "Without me there'd be a zillion fires."

To see more political cartoons from Ben Sargent, visit our Loon Star State section, or find Observer political reporting here.

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