Texas Observer Announces Finalists in the 15th Annual MOLLY Journalism Prizes
Also introducing the winners of the TxO NextGen Scholars program.
Since 1954
Mike Kanin is the former publisher of the Texas Observer. He has many years of media experience, including a role as the founding publisher of the nonprofit local daily the Austin Monitor. Before that, he spent some time on the other side of the wall, as both a freelancer and a staffer. His work has appeared in the Washington City Paper, the Washington Post’s Express, the Boston Herald, Boston’s Weekly Dig, the Austin Chronicle and the Texas Observer. He’s also served as the Washington City Paper’s City Lights editor. He is also the co-founding editor of the Brick House Cooperative's Preachy.
Also introducing the winners of the TxO NextGen Scholars program.
We can’t wait for him to get started.
It’s not every day you get to read good news in these pages.
Dreier’s work on “Trapped in Gangland” provides a “necessary dose of reality in a conversation dominated by the Trump administration’s fear-mongering,” the judges wrote.
For nearly four decades, white liberals have dominated Austin politics. Now the city may finally embrace true progressivism.
Is Gov. Perry trying to take over the Lower Colorado River Authority?
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