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Drawn In the Dirt By Geoffrey Rips Austin When Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower, announced on Wednesday, October 19, that the Texas Department of Agriculture regulations for the application of agricultural pesticides, a political range war that had been raging for months underground suddenly burst to the surface. While the regulations proposed for public comment were the result of exhaustive negotiations and heated skirmishes between TDA and public and private interest groups, they are not the actual point of contention they are made out to be by groups opposing their implementation. Rather, the pesticide regulations are being used by large political and private interest groups to draw the line on Jim Hightower and on a process of change that has shaken these in terest groups loose from the stranglehold on the state’s agricultural and economic policies they so long enjoyed. Pho to by Alan Pog u e TEXAS A Journal of Free Voices $1.00 November 9, 1984 Pesticide Battle Lines