
WTF Friday: What’s Your IQ?


Above: Justin Lookadoo

1) I am not so old that I’ve forgotten the motivational speakers and sex ed experts our Central Texas high school would bring in to educate, or miseducate, us, usually employing a combination of scare tactics, tortured metaphors (“you can only unwrap a gift once”) and props (e.g. Velcro gloves that riiiiiiiip apart to demonstrate the heartbreak of pre-marital sex). Anyway, it’s not news that there is a whole lucrative circuit of clownish abstinence-only experts. But, boy, does this Justin Lookadoo fellow take the cake. Looking a bit like a frosted porcupine, Lookadoo is a former East Texas probation officer turned Christian motivational speaker who runs a site called R U Dateable. (Take the quiz here!)

Amazingly it’s taken a decade for him to attract much critical notice but credit to the students at Richardson High School who ripped him on social media after doing some Google-research—something the school administrators either didn’t do, or worse did and were undeterred, when they invited him to speak this week. A small sampling of the Lookadoo oeuvre.

“Somewhere between the modern church and the feminist movement, guys turned into pansies. Stand up and be a man! Do something with your life!”

“Be mysterious. Dateable girls know how to shut up.”

And if you take a looksie into the Lookadoo archives you find this gem from a 2003 Washington Times profile:

“I watch [teens], study them and live with them. Plus I read ‘Cosmo Girl’ and ‘YM’ – everything teen girls read. Guys don’t read, so I watch what they watch.”

2) Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas), who makes Louie Gohmert look like a statesman, spent much of Wednesday playing Mad Libs with the lackluster Obamacare rollout. My favorite:

3) Finally, one guess who this is. Hint: He’s a WTF Friday fan favorite, a politician who rails against “elites.”

“We hadn’t left Manhattan before he asked my IQ. When I told him I didn’t know, he asked, ‘Well, what’s your SAT score? That’s closely coordinated with your IQ.’  It went from, ‘Nice guy’ to ‘uh-oh.’ ”