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D EAR READER The Texas Observer is celebrating its so”’ anniversary in 2004, with festivities all year long, including a gala dinner with Bill Moyers and Willie Nelson and other notables. Ton can participate in the …tivitics in a numbtr qfwa Ps y Mark the date I NVIIIIXT 200 Plan to attend A Panel on “Politics and the Independent Media -, Austin, Tcxas Morning -The News media mid NmionaI Pohl ics Lunch ‘Willi the rand Mcmhcrs Afternoon -The Linertaimnent \(Media and National Politics” Plan to attend The Gala Evening University ollis\\as t Jniou Rallrooni Amin], Tc.. as Help Sponsor Any or All of The Fvents Participate In -1.he Signature Ad Campaign 16 Run in Observer klitions Throughout the Year Volunteer Now For I undraising, Media Publicity, Panel or Gala Planning \( ]ommit tees Check your mailbox and this space for forthcoming details on tittles and locations lor these events and for opportunities to sponsor the 50”’ Anniversary Gala. Ito volunteer for one of the Planning Committees, contact Charlotte McCann: ; 512 477 0746. Celebrating 50 Years of a Journal of Free Voices, The Texas Observer