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WA trER G. tiAti, 4.4 0,4r , A Texas Book About A ‘Monumental’ Texan A biography of Walter G. Hall, a small-town, politically liberal Texas banker “Walter Hall was one of the most unusual men I have ever known in my political life, and one of the few great men you will find in political activity. I would like to see a monument erected to Walter Hall and his influence for good in this nation.” Former U.S. Sen. Ralph W. Yarborough “Walter Hall is a man to be reckoned with both in banking and in politics. “He and Lyndon shared a kinship in many of the things they believed would benefit the country.. . “I will always be grateful for the friendship Walter has shown to Lyndon and me through the years. I think the Johnsons, the people of Galveston County, and his `neighbors’ everywhere are fortunate Walter put his beliefs to work on their behalf and that he truly cared.” former first lady “When I think of Walter, the qualities of compassion, steadfastness, guts, and good humored conviviality spring to mind. Not many successful bankers are caught using phrases like ‘what’s good for the folks’ but that is Walter’s top priority and has been for half a century of Texas politics.” Liz Carpenter, author, lecturer, former press secretary to Lady Bird Johnson The book is available in Austin at Book People 603 North Lamar Austin, Texas 78703 CiTeRVITst, Banker Second If not available at your bookstore, contact: F. Carter, Drawer A, Dickinson, Cost: $25, plus $2.06 tax & $2.84 shipping Total $29.90. JUNE 28, 1996 THE TEXAS OBSERVER 17