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… -, ……………… ‘6? et4 644671164746t4k4 ‘,4167:q67/1/16 .1 THE TEXAS OBSERVER 11 lidki i pa t */, `1!ilim’ .1.~j . s:PS. i …….. ……….. os .s ~F ……… ……….. OP /110.0 VIP I 111 14.04s ivi gg igfr i Pgg”‘ Pg !”””Sf v iaiY 10-1 . 6 6..47 5 . t ‘6 6 …….. 4,# …. pity . 4 \(1,4. Ilk .. Pzi +1 *. ……. … .. 414M5Wilgt 3n ……………………. ……………………. oronto &ii:;611″:::;;;; . … … .’7161 1 .. 0101100P ………. ……………………………….. . 7,71/ lij ii 1611616, Idglifrefg , . ….. …. I 4P4’ 1714:11.4 LIT”, . i 70: ztig …. .. wit ‘ tgrwonai rartnership; . Sterling Chemical ;Salerno’s. Chei authorship of audit 1 ege 73, lead lobbyist for Ht 411.401., win :..would have undermined the contested case process for pollution control permits. CtiOnts: Exxon, ASARCO, TX Industries, Shell, Mobil, Motorola, Valero Energy, chst Celanese Chemicals, Gulf Coast Ste Disposal, etc. Dan Hinkle. Petroleum companies; Dos Republicas strip mine; coastal and marine Edwards , 6V.0 I ” 4 6 `4 Ar 1 1,..,65 0,1.;’ .P,;,Vigu,41 4’114114 did/ill:gg 71/1,:g.h.:,i1. 17,0killihibidilfiii . . *WWII/1 :;fi!;14 ,