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Sco tt Ne w ton, Pho tog rap he r EXP. DATE Paid Advertisement BECOME A CARD-CARRYING DEMOCRAT! You don’t win elections like we did in 1982 without a strong, active Democratic Party to organize the troops and to fan the fervor of good loyal Democrats. We all need to invest a little capital in the future of the Democratic Party in Texas because it’s not going to be easy to win in 1984. And we need to get the show on the road right now. Dig down deep into your pockets, and join all of us as sustaining members of YOUR Texas Democratic Party.* 1W.?N.MVP%T. 340110 Address City Occupation Employer Home Phone \( Office Phone CARD NO. CI Hit me a little at a time and get it before I see it BANK NO. SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP BANK DRAFT AUTHORIZATION TEXAS DEMOCRATIC PARTY BANK ADDRESS ti CITY/STATE/ZIP THIS IS YOUR AUTHORIZATION TO HONOR DRAFTS IN THE AMOUNT OF DRAWN BY THE TEXAS DEMOCRATIC PARTY, AUSTIN, TEXAS, ON THE 5TH / 20TH DAY OF EACH MONTH UNTIL CANCELLED BY ME. SIGNATURE DATE *When you become a sustaining member you the Democratic Chairman, a membership pin on Party seminars, a federal tax credit of up not only get a nice, warm feeling in your heart, you also receive a certificate personally autographed by to wear on your lapel, stetson, or izod shirt, a year’s good reading of the Party newsletter, reduced rates 46 OCTOBER 12, 1984