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,1 4,1 iI1 , ; .; II II 1 j II; ‘.11 I I 11 11 i l l I 1 I l in “II I it I I 111111111 , ill !II I I II Ili 11/” 11 “/ ‘*1 III I. I I I I I 1 In/ 1 / I t I v .. Dra w ing by Be t h Ep s te in TEXAS 13SERVER January 2 7, 1984 A Journal of Free Voices 75C ” ‘Character’ is precisely that outer, appealing, often flashy layer that Texan writers and Texans in general often do so well. . .. There has yet to be a novel or a film to show how much this general glaze of ‘character’ is often a form of conformity . . . and how much it’s contributed to the boring sameness of Texan art in general a sameness not only in style but in level, in depth.”