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The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Wishes the Readers of The Texas Observer A Joyous Holiday Season MALDEF Name 501 Petroleum Commerce Building Address 201 N. St. Mary’s Street San Antonio, Texas 78205 City State Zip Enclosed is my contribution of $ Make checks payable to MALDEF. Contributions are tax deductible. Your contributions and concern for the rights of Mexican and other Hispanic Americans has enabled MALDEF to pursue its work in employment, education and voting rights discrimination, in community outreach and education, in policy analysis, immigration, and abuse of authority. We hope you will continue to support our efforts in the coming year. Feliz Navidad y PrOspero Alio Nuevo A Public Service Message from the American Income Life Insurance Co.Executive Offices, Waco, TexasBernard Rapoport, Chairman of the Board THE TEXAS OBSERVER 15