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I read with interest my friend Wayne Oakes’ story concerning the Farenthold campaigns \(Obs., overall points are well taken. I do think, however, that a couple of others might be made. Few ever accused Sissy of not being too negativeit is pretty hard to attack and not be a little less than a Pollyanna. Much of what Oakes says has the ring of truth about it; but it also must be remembered that, had a few left stools at Scholz Garten to work at campaign headquarters and had organized labor given strong suport, the lady might have been governor in 1972. There was no ban on anyone of any type working in the campaign. On second thought, perhaps a lot of the “negative” input came, in fact, from observers rather than those working day in and out in the campaign. The ill-advised start of the 1974 campaign with the politically futile lawsuit against Briscoe really buried Sissy before it all began. Charles Worth Ward, Managing Editor, Wichita Falls Times & Wichita Falls Record News, P.O. Box 120, Wichita Falls. The writer was Farenthold’s press aide during her 1972 campaign. -Eds. I wish that the Observer were more readily available outside the Austin area because you definitely play a vital role in informing the public on current issues that affect them with a certain perspective that needs to be emphasizedlike the great job you did on reviewing the major issues considered by this past session of the Legislature. Carlos F. Truan, State Senator, P.O. Box 5445, Corpus Christi. Small presses Thanks so much for Dave Oliphant’s article on Texas’ small poetry presses \(Obs., of information I was hoping to find in my scription. Trudi Watson, 3658 Columbia Drive, Napa, Calif. Gammage again Robert Sindermann’s defense of Bob Gammage \(Obs., cellent if his points concerned the congressman’s present actions and not his past. Most liberals appreciate his previous record; it is his recent actions on which we must judge him. They certainly do not reflect the philosophy on which he ran and was elected, and on which he would have us continue to support him. Sindermann’s rationale, that we should excuse Gammage’s congressional voting record because “he has ‘paid his dues’ over and over again,” sounds like the epitome of Good-Ol’-Boyism. Hold ing a public office is not “paying dues.” An office holder, when he runs and accepts office, should receive only the privilege of serving, his salary, and the satisfaction of doing his job well. We complain about the establishment’s good ol’ boys; we should expect no less from those we have supported. I fear that Gammage has been lost to us. He is, as Sindermann puts it, “following the same pragmatic path to survival followed by all other members of Congress.” In Gammage’s case, read “pragmatic path” as voting with the hard-shell conservatives while appealing to the liberals for support based on past performance. The end result on the critical roll calls in Congress is going to be the same whether Gammage or Ron Paul represents the 22nd District. If we must choose between them, I would have the obvious rather than the insidious. Robert White, 3807 Murworth, Houston. Sissy’s campaign Kudos 14307&Ire ce 1’2’1 \(6 vos’crS e/c5 lob Ctee .te’ Bob and Sara Roebuck Anchor National Financial Services ‘ 1524 E. Anderson Lane, Austin bonds stocks insurance mutual funds optional retirement program DAVE OLIPHANT: Class Reunion, Beaumont VASSAR MILLER: Ambiguous Advent ADA AHARONI: Four Syrian Daughters Hans Juergenson Categorical Imperative Charles P. Rightmore The Clouds of Afternoon Also. Jidson Jerffle M.S. Grey” Charles B. Taylor hire Wale Vielette mod. Lay e. Crs olle Emily Hetriet Wilsee hey Weise Nereee Ayres Rent Reels Gwy Uhler NC Heals Limy 0. rulthe Harty Others Cohorts Beek R.ViSINS 21 Olg Tabled Paget You Read about Us in The Texas Observer Now Why Not Read Us? Subscribe to Texas’ fastest growing poetry quarterly, featuring over 30 poets per issue, along with photos, book reviews, and columns. I Send me: 1 year, $3.50 2 years, $7 3 years, $10 Sample issue, $1.25 Name Address City, State Cedar Rock 1121 Madeline New Braunfels TX 78130