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Last day on the job for calendar clerk Adele Jacobs Mike Smith sources caused “bookkeeping complica tions.” Sic transit the House Study Group. Rep. Buddy Temple of Diboll sees two conclusions that can be drawn from ing to bring more efficiency to House operaeverything in the House under people who are totally loyal to him. There is a gnawing suspicion among many members that the real reason is the latter,” Temple said. “It can’t help but make you wonder when four universally accepted and well-regarded employees with the experience and tenure that those have are summarily fired without consultation of the House as a whole. Those women have been of great assistance to all the members of the House since I’ve been there. They’ve done an outstanding job as far as I can tell.” Former Rep. Arthur Vance pointed out that Hallman and Jacobs traditionally have been mentors for new legislators. “They were my only friends,” he said. “In addition to whatever official duties they have, they provided members with a great deal of help. It’s part of a freshman member’s training. The women were always fair and impartial and helpful.” Many legislators have voiced the fear that they will be unable to get the information they need out of the new computer system. Reynolds and Gullahorn respond that even though the computer will work fine, it will be backed up by a system of manual records. And Reynolds insisted, “We’ll have real people to speak to you and talk to you. They won’t even be MIT graduates. Don’t think that we are replacing human services with a machine.” Some dissident House members charge that Clayton is implementing changes without proper consultation. It does seem , suspicious that the reorganization plans were first articulated at a House Administration Committee meeting last November in San Angelo, of all places. This was the only House Administration meeting ever to be held outside of Austin. Gullahorn represented Clayton at the meeting. According to the San Angelo Standard Times, he called for “frequent and reoccurring studies of individual employees both for attitude and efficiency” and “encouragement of those near retirement age to step down ‘in a selfless manner.'” Apparently Hallman, Jacobs, and Rainey weren’t feeling particularly selfless. In August, after nine members of her staff had been fired, Jacobs said Gullahorn called her into his office and rudely threw a copy of her confidential retirement system records down on his desk. \(Jacobs interpreted the action to be a crude hint that she retire. Gullahorn told the Observer he only got the records together because Jacobs had some question about her more respect for him if he’d fire me instead of trying to manipulate me,” she said. So they fired her. Hallman said she was never consulted about the possibility of retiring. “I think it would have been nice if Mr. Clayton had given us the opportunity to retire,” she said. The chief clerk said she had no idea that she might be fired until Jacob’s calendar clerks were shown the door in August. Few of Clayton’s other reorganization proposals are as controversial as the staff reduction. Some seem downright sane. The House’s enrolling and engrossing functions have been turned over to the Legislative Council. From now on the council will print the House copies of the bills on first, second, and third reading. Under the old system, the Legislative Council, which drafts about 80 percent of the House legislation, would print a first reading version of a bill and then hand it over to the House, which would print another first reading version of the bill, followed by second and third printings. The new system will eliminate one first printing of the bill. Rep. Tom Scheiffer, chairman of the calendar committee, is also recommending that the Legislative Council print fewer copies of bills on first reading. Under the current system, each House member gets a copy of every bill on first reading. As an economy move, Schieffer wants the council to print fewer copies of the bills and provide them only to legislators on request. All representatives would get copies of all bills on