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OBSERVER A Journal of Free Voices A Window to the South E-0 May 9, 1975 500 Austin Over at the Capitol there are 181 legislators treading water. They haven’t gone under so far, haven’t succumbed to the dead weight of impotent leadership, but neither have they summoned the strength to cope with the numerous problems ahead of them. A few weeks ago, Jon Ford of the Austin daily suggested that the 64th Legislature was heading toward “the most monumental logjam of all time.” He said, The Legislature adrift ,.. e . *s. , ,,,,,,, way -..,,,,,–s&t,-0..ia.4N4L11,T.’.. .P,,,…–……7:10kr , .,,,,,,, 4.44″.1*,:k. :,.. :4r ,..:.N ,