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An editorial candidate, the GGL’s Phil Pyndus faces Henry Munoz. Murioz is business manager of the local public employees’ union. The two clear winners were Rev. Claude Black, a black incumbent IT’er formerly associated with the GGL,’ and Henry Cisneros, a GGL’er. After his victory, Black was reflecting on the heavy slate-voting: “In the 20th Century, we run a campaign on the issue of [retiring mayor Charles] `Becker’s Boys’ versus `Lila’s Team.’ It’s a joke.” The Austin campaigns were billed as a sort of plebiscite on the city’s continuing leftward tilt, with “growth” and “quality of life” as the key issues and the student turnout as the big question. When the voting was over, student precincts had turned out the largest proportion of voters and progressives were looking forward to a majority of council seats. Five races were decided, with three won by libs and two by “moderate conservatives” with conservationist tendencies. Jeff Friedman, after two terms as a minority progressive on the council, was elected mayor. Libs Jimmy Snell and Dr. Emma Lou Linn took two other seats. Incumbent Lowell Lebermann \(who was once called the “Green Panther” for his environmentalist votes, but has since lost Himmelblau, a member of the City Planning Commission, won outright victories. Two liberal-conservative runoffs It’s that time again, time to vote on a constitutional amendment to raise legislators’ salaries, and once again the Observer urges you to vote yes. Legislators are being fairly quiet about the proposed amendment, hoping not to stir up opposition, so maybe we’d be doing them a favor by not mentioning it. But the idea of paying them only $400 a month commenting. The play this time is to try for $600 a month, plus $30 per diem \(the usual, there has been unpleasantness like the threat, ostensibly from some San Antonio school teachers, that teachers will vote against the amendment if they don’t get their raise by then. And Dick Hitt of The Dallas Times Herald reports that a state employee told him that state workers \(Margret Hoffman and John Trevino vs. will finally decide the council’s make-up. A split would give libs a 4-3 majority. 1973 unfunded Housing and Urban Development water and sewer requests = $4 billion = cost excess on F-111 aircraft. from The Permanent War Economy, Seymour Melman. are being quietly informed that their raises may depend on the fate of the proposition. Let’s ignore the tackiness for the time being. Get your frustrations with the Lege out of the way ahead of time \(we suggest drawing up lists of those you’d like to see starved out of office as a therapeutic favorite legislator and imagine how nice it would be if he or she could afford to stay in office longer. Then slip out of the house early on April 22 \(so as not to alarm the vote yes. As we said the last time around, “Whatever else our legislators deserve, and the Observer is still of the opinion that some of them deserve hanging from the nearest tree, they do deserve and should get a living wage.” J.F. April 25, 1975 9 University of TEXAS PRESS PARKING LOT a ‘,i 4Ag, a Up to 90% discounts on every title in stock 10:00 AM-6:00 PM April 24, 25, and 26 Rain dates: May 8, 9, and 10 102 W. 20th BEHIND PRESS BUILDING Austin Bankamericard and Mastercharge welcome