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it can happen in Texas. pol. adv., Texas McGovern-Shriver Campaign Committee, John White & Bob Armstrong, Co-Chairmen, 1221 West 6th Street, Austin, Texas 78703 Here’s How You Can Help George McGovern Carry Texas. e can carry Texas for McGovern on November 7, ut we’ll need your help to do it. You can help us set the record straight. Nixon’s record. The record of what Ralph Nader has called the most corrupt administration in history. Remind your friends of the ITT scandal…when a government anti-trust suit was dropped after that ,corporation agreed to underwrite $400,000 of the ?II them about Nixon’s wheat deal with the issians. Wheat farmers, many of whom live in xas, were cheated out of $25 to $100 million en Nixon’s administration gave exporters the ince inside information on the Soviet trade +iations. Mc should know about the Republican burglars arrested inside Democratic National Headquarters. And the ten million dollar secret fat-cat slush fund. And the Mexican connection Nixon’s finance officials seem to have. Remember unemployment. It hit six per cent under Nixon. Welfare rolls have doubled. Health care is still a prerogative of wealth. Food prices have never been higher. And Richard Nixon, the self-proclaimed arch-enemy of deficit spending, is running up a budget deficit of :80 Billion. That’s more than the combined deficits of the Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson administrations. $80 billion. Then there’s the war. The war which candidate Richard Nixon had a secret plan for ending. The war which candidate Richard Nixon said any administration ought to be able to end in four years. George McGovern offers an honest and open government. He offers meaningful tax reforms. He offers a plan to cut the fat out of a bloated defense budget so that we can re-direct some of our resources towards solving problems which affect our everyday lives. And George McGovern offers the working men and women of this country his loyalty, his affiliation with their needs and interests. America needs George McGovern. And Texas can help make George McGovern President. It can happen, with your help. Please send your generous contribution to the Texas McGovern-Shriver Campaign Committee. , It will be used here in Texas, to help carry Texas for McGovern. Please respond today. Your help is needed. McGovern-Shriver in ’72