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Observations AAAJ t.A.Ar The Demos’ Dilemma VIIIIIMMINNIMINIMMIMINIMMINMEEmEm SNACK ROUTE SPARE TIME INCOME Collecting Money and Restocking established accounts dispensing Candy and Snacks. Must be bondable, have car, and able to devote 5 to 8 hours per week. Starting Inventory of $599.00 to $1499.00 required. For personal interview write: GENERAL FOOD DISTRIBUTORS, 1506 Linwood Blvd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 4111111111.1111.1111111111111111111M THE TEXAS OBSERVER BOOKSTORE A partial list of titles ready for immediate shipment: THE DRUGSTORE LIBERAL: HUBERT H. HUMPHREY IN POLITICS List Price Mem. Price Robert Sherrill & Harry W. Ernst . $4.95 $3.96 THE TEXANS: WHAT THEY AREAND WHY David Nevin $5.95 $4.76 JFK AND LBJ Tom Wicker $5.00 $4.00 A VERY PERSONAL PRESIDENCY: LYNDON JOHNSON IN THE WHITE HOUSE Hugh Sidey $5.95 $4.76 TOWARD A DEMOCRATIC LEFT Michael Harrington $5.95 $4.76 Send your order, and $5.00 membership if the 20% discount price is desired, to The Texas Observer, 504 W. 24th, Austin 78705. \(See prior issues or Texas residents please include the 3% state and Austin sales tax with your remittance. Or, if you prefer, we will bill you for a 25c service charge. BUY ALL YOUR BOOKS FROM THE OBSERVER Let’s draft a man who can unite the nation t,, ,….,.. *64,19,, k A Trt’\\v . , .., IrIE S’ 43,,,a9,…u. *Etfterce.rce v \\s ,\\VV,:\\ :s4 PIt Zettdec440 s t s ,\\”,. BUMPERSTR IPS 5 for $1 100 for $10 1,000 for $50 Box 8293 Austin, Texas 78712 Ns , As ; kw.AkC’s , Austin Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Wisconsin is now the candidate most entitled to receive the Democratic nomination for president. This is obvious to all liberal Democrats who are not immobilized by their affection for the late Robert Kennedy. It is conceivable that the Kennedy votes at the convention, evidently now dedicated to the visionary and able Sen. George McGovern, will cause a deadlock, in which case Senator McGovern would be infinitely preferable to Hubert Humphrey. Humphrey cannot, by anything he says, expunge from his indelible record as vicepresident his enthusiastic, never-flagging, aggressive defense of Johnson’s policies in Vietnam. Humphrey had several choices. He could have kept silent. He could have issued restrained and equivocal statements and for the rest kept silent. He could have resigned the vice presidency because he could not support the war in good and honorable conscience. He took none of these available courses. Rather he became the No. 3 pitchman, second only to Johnson and Rusk, for the Vietnam war. There is no correcting this with words. Three years of saturation bombing, napalming, countless dead, incalculable damage to the best elements of the meaning of America, can 14 The Texas Observer CLASSIFIED ANNE’S TYPING SERVICE: Duplicating \(multiNotary. Specialize in rush jobs, including Sundays. Formerly known as Marjorie Delafield Typing and Duplicating Service. Call HI 2-7008, Austin. BOOKPLATES. Free catalog. Many beautiful designs. Special designing too. Address: BOOK-PLATES, Yellow Springs 8, Ohio. Are you qualified to own your own business? High earnings can be yours operating your own business in your spare time. Collecting money & restocking established accounts dispensing candy and snacks. An investment of $699.00 and the determination to be financially independent can grow into a permanent lifetime income. For personal interviewwrite: National Food Distributors, 305 Stemmons Tower North, Dallas, Texas 75207. RIDERS ARE NEEDED to the Democratic Convention, Chicago, Aug. 26th., leaving Austin Aug. 23rd. If interested contact: Louise Stanford, Observer office, GR 7-0746. not be corrected by the words now utLered in self-interest by the man who was one of the principal causes of these events. Make whatever excuse for him you wish, Humphrey should not be rewarded with the presidency for his appalling moral faliure. Americans conscientiously shocked and appalled by this war should not consent to be trapped by the question, “What will you do if it’s Humphrey vs. Nixon?” This is a year for the truth; if the political bosses present us, who are the people, with this miserable choice, to hell with them, we will begin anew. That is the affirmative possibility that they do not want us to think about: beginning anew. As long as the old-line hacks can trap us into thinking, “Humphrey or Nixon,” we are had, but there is this other possibility. It would be pointless to elect Nixon to deny Humphrey if that was all there was to it. But if the Democratic party has so far betrayed its ideals that Humphrey is all we can get from it, then there is another factor the people should add into the equation: a new party that can take on a full force in American politics by 1972. For people who still think that the name of the game is domestic liberalism, this will not make any sense. They will see Humphrey and Nixon as tweedledum, tweedle-dee on Vietnam and foreign policy, but Humphrey better on domestic policy, so they will take Humphrey. But domestic liberalism is not the name of the game any more. The name of the game is humanity. The moral question dominating all others in our politics now is what we can do to bring the United States into a helpful and constructive relationship with the revolution of rising expectations abroad. Our relationship to this revolution has been, under Johnson, reactionary and destructive. We can no longer place the anti-communist zealot’s dedication to his foreign crusades ahead of our own progress at home and the conversion of our impact abroad into help, rather than hurt, for the poor of the world. Therefore, if it comes to that, it seems reasonable to me that opposing Humphrey with, say, a national write-in and fourth party campaign makes sense, provided only that it has fair promise of laying the foundation for a new party in 1972. In the alternative, it would be just as good if this same move taught the Democratic party that it cannot betray its members without their severely punishing it for doing so. It would be better that the Democratic party lose in 1968 than continue to fail the country and the world in 1969. It would be better that the Democratic party lose in 1968 and reform itself by 1972 than that the people be lied to again and this hateful and brutal and fruitless war continue. Nixon for four years would be tolerable in exchange for the strategic regrouping of the forces of humanity and reason in this great nation. There is something distinctly mean about this line of reasoning, and I know it. The war, and being lied to and deceived, and being manipulated, and our sons being killed, and our sense of morality being outraged by the photographs of children we have deformed with our bombs and napalm, have made a lot of us mean. Words, words, words, damn the wordsthese are the facts and nobody is going to talk us into looking away from them. That is my mood, that is the way I feel, and that is the way I believe conscientious international liberals should proceed for the rest of the year. Fight mean and for keeps and do not give a goddam inch. R.D. August 3.