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THE TEXAS OBSERVER BOOKSTORE 504 WEST 24TH, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78705 ” ,… a conscience-troubling story … typically fair style of reporting … examines in depth the question : Can personal responsibility be avoided in the impersonal and horribly destructive warfare of the atomic age?” Kemper Diehl, SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS “It asks some very searching questions, questions that will remain with the reader long after the book is finished.” .. Eatherly’s witness … is supremely valuable. His doubts go to the heart of today’s national anguish. DARK STAR seeks neither to destroy nor enhance the Eatherly legned. It is an honest, readable effort … to separate Eatherly the man from Eatherly the figure of legendand to assess both.” Edwin M. Yoder, Jr., BOOK WORLD Eatherly “has been lionized by some writers, and viciously attacked by others. Dugger’s calm, well-researched, deeply analytical treatment is the first that presents this now-famous Texan in sympathetic perspective.” DARK STAR “is laced with reminders that the problem of guilt is more apropos today than at Hiroshima.” Leonard Sanders, FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM “Mr. Dugger’s book is not perfect, but it is illuminated by compassion and touched with awe … DARK STAR is interesting reading and it brings home to the individual reader the significance of another individual’s dilemma. Yet I do not hold any particular defense for Claude Eatherly ..,. or wnat to make him heroic … Neither does Ronnie Dugger in this book.” “The real topic is not the complicated, yet basically common, life of a Texas war flier who might or might not have cracked up through guilt complex … It is an attempt to arrive at some answer to the haunting question of today’s world, ‘Is any of it my doing?’ And if it is, what can I do about it?” “So the burden of Dugger’s book is whether or not acting on orders, doing things because you are told, does away with your rightif that is the wordto feel horror at what you have done.” A. C. Greene, DALLAS TIMES-HERALD “DARK STAR is a book worth reading. More important, it is worthy of reflection.” Bert Kruger Smith, AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN “Eatherly is a complex personality, and the truth about him is subject to many interpretations. One thing is clear: DARK STAR as the publishers claim, is a probing, challenging book which demands to be read by all responsible people.” … a book on the subject of conscience, that rate quality so sorely needed in our morally callous times, and about the lack of it, which is driving us inevitably to new Hiroshimas.” Edith Morris in SATURDAY REVIEW DARK STAR: HIROSHIMA RECONSIDERED IN THE LIFE OF CLAUDE EATHERLY OF LINCOLN PARK, TEXAS by Ronnie Dugger. World Publishing Co., 254 pp., photographs by Russell Lee. List Price $5.95. Optional membership in the Observer Discount Club, at $5.00 for one year, entitles readers to order DARK STARor any hardbound book in print \(except to your remittance. even quite mild in what it says. But my purpose was not to appeal to either hawk or dove but to the unread, confused, befuddled people who are finally feeling dissatisfied with the five minutes of television news and the newspaper headlines. I wanted the ad to be a kind of Vietnam primer for the non-reader; also, I wanted to try to make dissent respectable …. to say that dissenters can appeal to reason, can say things in a level, non-hysterical way. I was also hoping that people of all kinds of persuasions John Birch and SDS, Republican and Democrat, hawk and dovemight be able to react with a minimum of emotion and a maximum of thought.” In these wretched times when the individual feels so impotent to affect the tide of events Bode’s act is one which we may consider hopefully, that one person still believes strongly enough in the American democratic experiment to bestir himself in behalf of appealing to public opinion. Perhaps other individuals, in other cities, will follow this example and speak up at a time when dialogue is very much needed. G.O. 7ite Wa y West I I kissed the earth And the girl was of the earth. Nights, cities, days Bounced into a neon daze. I impressed upon her lips The liturgy of growth Toward horizons, weeds and baseball After the dance: also the rain and the wind. I was left there, With a wound pulsing, A prophet lavishly tongued Tented in Wyoming, Going to other places. The kiss was a historical marker The girl, a body covered by mine. GEORGE W. de SCHWEINITZ Beaumont The writer is on the faculty of Lamar Tech. 14 The Texas Observer BUMPERSTRIPS: McCARTHY PRESIDENT PEACE Fluorescent, genuine peel-off Also Campaign Buttons 1 for 25c 5 for $1 1,000 for $65 DISSENTING DEMOCRATS OF TEXAS Box 876, Austin, Texas 78767