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IDialogue Let’s Take a Chance With Johnson I have just finished reading your article I would like to make some comments. Like you, I have had some bad experiences with Johnson in the past. As you may remember I was with Mrs. Randolph at the Cow Barn in Ft. Worth, and I have had other experiences with him. Nevertheless, he is talking and acting liberal. In fact, he is talking and acting as though he were following Gunnar Myrdal’s book, Challenge to Affluence, which you should read if you haven’t. If the Democrats do not nominate the incumbent for the presidency, there will be a dangerous split in the party which might give the Republicans a chance. This could very well be Nixon or Goldwater. Rather than run this chance, I think we would be wise to nominate Johnson and hope that now that he has reached the zenith of power that he will devote the rest of his time to truly carrying out those policies which he must know that history will record as having been those policies which make him, if not a great, at least a very good president. If, on the other hand, he reverts to his former self, he does not have a chance of making a niche for himself in the hall of fame. I think he is egotistical enough to wish to leave behind him an image that will number him among the greater occupants of the White House. After all, this is all he can hope for. There is no higher post which he can attain. Perhaps his old habits will return and his old ways will be too strong to overcome, but in this we have to take a 16 The Texas Observer chance as we would with any president. I think it is safer to take a chance with Johnson than it is to split the Democratic Party and have one of the Republicans put us in for another eight years of an Eisenhower type regime or even worse. Percy Selden, attorney, 991 Houston Club Bldg., Houston 2, Tex. Oh, For an Apple in Eden I have only now read the 10 January 1964 issue of the Texas Observer. In your discussion with Mr. Buckley, you refer to “the apple” as being forbidden to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The King James version speaks of “the fruit,” but nowhere can I find a reference to “the apple.” Perhaps this is in some revised version ?Leonard B. Johnson, 314 West Jackson Ave., El Campo, Tex. \(Mr. Johnson, if this means we have to abandon the story of the Fall that has given us so much comfort all these years, I don’t know what I’ll do. Will some reader who is an expert in the genesis of evil help Frank Interchange of Ideas The Observer seems to me to be an old and invaluable friend. . . . Are you familiar with the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science? From the November 1962 issue: “Full and frank interchange of ideas has always been an essential component of liberalism. This has been true not only because of the persuasive reasoning of Jefferson or the eloquent argument of John Stuart Mill on the utility of freedom of expression but because, by definition, a liberal society is a free society, in which the paramount freedom is freedom of the mind. Such freedom, however, is not only the goal of liberalism but equally the condition of existence of liberalism itself.” \(Alan P. Grimes, Ph.D., Professor, MichiThis seems to me to be particularly applicable to the political situation in Texas where there is so much money, propaganda, and prestige behind the reactionary elements. More power to the Scholtz beer gardeners. Harry S. Adams, Jr., 138 Knibbe Road, San Antonio, Tex. Fairness for the Senecans Let us strongly urge that the United States take the earliest possible action to aid the Seneca Indians, who face eviction from their homes by the United States government resulting from the recent violation of a treaty made in 1794. Land given to the Seneca Nation of Indians in the state of New York is being flooded by the Kinzua Dam reservoir. Adequate land and roads are not being furnished to replace the flooded areas. The inadequate relocation site will be divided by the construction of a limited access expressway. No connecting service road between the divided Seneca community has been provided. It is too late to preserve the Allegheny Reservation as established in the Pickering Treaty of 1794, but it is not too late to make amends and adequate replacement of land, homes, roads, and facilities to these citizens. . . . The passage of House Resolution 1794 by the Senate with no amendments will allow the Seneca people time to rebuild their communities. How can the United States do less? A letter to our own Senator Yarborough asking support for the passage of such legislation as would help the Senecas would be appreciated. Priscilla H. Zuck, 4043 Turnberry Circle, Houston 25, Tex. An Old Farmer for Carriker It is predicted by many voters in the 17th congressional district that Max Carriker of Fisher County will be elected to a seat in Congress by an overwhelming ma= jority. He is opposing Omar Burleson of Jones County, who seems to have forgotten whether he represents the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. Carriker was elected to the legislature by large majorities the last three terms. There is no question about his political affiliation. He comes from a family of high standing, who have been farming and ranching in Fisher and Kent counties. I am an 86-year-old farmer, who believes in Max Carriker. W. B. Starr, Rt. 4, Cisco ,Tex. Correction on Dallas, After All In your March 6 lead article on Dallas, you are more honest than much of the press which has quoted Thometz’ The Decision Makers without giving her credit. However: inaccurate reading led you to call the political arm of the Citizens Council the Dallas Charter League when it is the Citizens Charter Assn. The Dallas Charter League is the political opposition \(it supported Cabell and other “independly, if you see “business subsidizing government” as symptomatic of [Mrs. Thometz’] naivete, you should read some Swift tirical humor when you see it. Morton B. King Jr., 3304 Daniels, Dallas 5, Tex. Indeed Doubtful Don’t you gentlemen think the immortalization of the late President Kennedy, which you seem to be intent on doing, is openly slapping history in the face? . . John Kennedy was no George Washington, no Thomas Jefferson, no Abe Lincoln, no Theodore Roosevelt. Mr. Kennedy was simply an ambitious young man. . . . Honor his ambition, honor his devotion to public responsibility, honor his ability to win friends and influence people, but do not honor Mr. Kennedy as a great president, since only history can make that judgment. And it is indeed doubtful that the inactivity of the Kennedy Administration in domestic affairs and its failures in foreign policy will merit a place alongside Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln for Mr. Kennedy. . . . Edward E. Williams Jr., Box 784, Men’s Dorms, U. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa. P.S. Simply because Mr. Kennedy represented your point of view is no reason to eulogize him. Sen. Goldwater represents mine, but I don’t conceive of him as a god as you evidently believe Mr. Kennedy was.