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LIBERAL DEMOCRATS This is the Dallas Morning News’ Plan for destroying your influence in Texas Politics Ming XAS ME::::MOMPAIMMil The Texas Election WITH THE election little more than a week away, Texas newspapers are making their choice between John Connally and Jack Cox. Like The Chronicle, the overwhelming majority of them endorse Mr. Connal ly. Here are editorial comments from two influential daily newspapers: THE OFFICIAL POSITION of The Dallas News in the general election Nov. 6 is one of neutrality as to candidates. An Independent Democratic newspaper, our traditional preferences are toward the Conservative Democrats who, under regimes of Stevenson, Jester, Shivers and Daniel, have elevated this state to an enviable position. This stand of neutrality comes belatedly after months of personal interviews with candidates, careful study of the issues and an unemotional appraisal of the future. Nearly every candidate on both tickets locally and statewideadheres to the Jeffersonian philosophy to which The News long has been dedicated. In all honesty, therefore, we are reluctant in such an unusual situation to designateas we usually do–our specific choices by name and office. With excellent selections on both tickets, the Texas voter is fortunate and The News has abiding faith in his judgment. Partisan emotions have clouded important aspects of this election which have not received proper emphasis. Let us preface what follows with a. reminder that The Newsmore than any other newspaper in the solidly Democratic youthconsistently has fought socialistic tendencies of the Roosevelt. Truman and Kennedy administrationsyes, and of the liberal influences that at times guided Dwight Eisenhower. -go IGHT HERE we pledge an even greater It fight against socialism in Washington whether it be the Kennedy brand or some disguised variety prepared and served by Republicans of the Rockefeller and Javits stripe. But neither John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson nor Nelson Rockefeller is on the Texas ballot Nov. 6. The big decision that day, lest we forget, will be the character of state government and the political con trol of Texas in the near future. Will’that government in Austin progress, as it must in this critical period of our historyor will it flounder and drift in a sea of senselessness because of selfish fights in the State Capitol between Democrats and Republicans? 15 Wilt c2pservatives of f i j ‘Republican ca who domi nate bo the Democra parties, become so bitterrj antagonistic that the Yarborough liberals will move into the resultant vacuum, capitalize on the splits and take over TexaS? At this moment think of your state and its future. As conservatives, consider the grave danger if you split your ranks. The Democratic party of Texasby far the dominant partyis now in conservative . hands following last spring’s primaries. In its stand of neutrality as to specific names and offices, therefore he News feels compelled to warn:jf enough conservative Democrats leave the party, the New Frontier Yarborough liberals will take over control of the dominant party of Texas. That, let us assure, the New Frontiersmen in Washington would relish and applaud. Whatever happens on Nov. 6 Democrats almost certainly will be control of the Legislature and most state agencies in the near future. The big question: What kin of Democrats? Shiver type conserva ivps, or ai oroug i erals. For those who may have forgotten, conservative Democratic administrations the last 20 years have given Texas a sound government. AT THE SAME time, we warn again of the grave risk: Votes of protest next month in Texas against Kennedy conceivably ,could put Kennedy-type liberals in control of Texas and crush the conservatiun of the major Party .. . This editorial was published in the Dallas Morning News, October 21, and reprinted on October 28, in The Houston Chronicle. LIBERAL DEMOCRATS Think! Work! Vote your own interest not those of the Dallas Morning News and the special interests! \(political ad paid for by a group of JIM PHELPS, chairman