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candidacy, one of the two major campaign questions, and Gov. Daniel got in some strong arguments for his acccomp 1 i s hment s. The fourth term issue, he said in Connally COX PREDICTS RUN-OFF WITH YARBOROUGH Connally Will Cut Spending–Price Attacks goI With slightly more than a month until the primaries, guhnatorial candidates campaign ed by plane and car in all areas of the state, but continued to rely mainly on the two modern-day necessities: canned TV spots and releases to the dailies. For the un-off it still seems to be a threeway fight between Daniel, Connally, and Yarhorough, with many voters apparently uninterested Political Intelligence and a huge bloc of undecideds everywhere. National interest in the race has not abated, and at least one Washington writer \(see Vice-President Johnson’s hopes for a possible Democratic nomination for president in 1968 rest in part on Connally’s Texas fate. Connally fr o Former Navy Secretary .John Connally, who is on TV three mornings a week, continued to concentrate on Gov. Price Daniel. In Houston he accused the governor of making “a sacred shrine such as the San Jacinto Monument a political football” by performing a “last-minute grandstand play through providing a little money to repair the skylight to the museum \(at San Jaopened on San .Jacinto Day.” With 50 Texas parks understaffed and underdeveloped, Daniel’s proposal for a state park in the Big Thicket is an example of “political craftiness by a man who wants to be a fourth-term governor.” Ht -,, came out again for a Padre Island criticized Daniel and his Padre study committee for dilly dallying. In a Corpus Christi rally Connally said Daniel appointed a committee five years ago which came up with 27 recommendations to strengthen law enforcement. “There have been eleven sessions of the legislature since then, costing, $10.5 million, and only four of these recommendations have been passed.” \(Daniel is seeking e-election primarily on a law ensaid he proposed to ask labor and industry to team together “and as governor I will lead these teams in an effort to get other new industries in Texas.” He told his Corpus Christi hackers a woman’s place “is in the home, in the House, in the Senate, and in every phase of government.” He pledged honesty, integrity, progress, and leadership. Speaking in the Valley, he endorsed the idea of full state support for Pan-American College in Edinburg. Elsewhere he declared: “The people are tired of drifting, and the $80 million deficit is not an example. of the type of imaginative, aggressive leadership that Texas must have to meet the future.” In South Texas talks Connally came out against medical care to the aged under social security and said that to resist federal control of schools Texas must have leadership and intelligence, with courage to live up to its responsibilities. He defended the action of the University of Texas hoard of regents in making the student newspaper editor appointed rather than elected. Opponents Wilson and Yarhorough have taken the opposite position. As governor, he said, he would go before the oil import commispion to seek a better production schedule for Texas’ oil industry. “There is no way Texas can com pete with oil produced in Saudi Arabia. Texas has held the umbella over the oil industry long enough.” Neighboring oil-producing states should “shoulder their fair share of the burden.” Connally said he could cut state government expenditures by ten percent through “hard work, planning, and leadership.” He did no specify where the decreases would he made. Addressing Students for Connally at Rice University, he stressed the need for better highe education. Asked about censorship of school textbooks, he replied: “Obviously we must have some control over the choice of textbooks. But I feel the control should be exercised by the qualified professional educators of Texas. I don’t believe in censorship as such. But I know of no better way to assure proper control than to leave it in the hands of educators.” His headquarters said a poll had been taken by 20 dailies and weeklies, most of which have endorsed him but some not, showing Connally ahead with 24 percent, followed by Daniel with 19. Yarborough with 8, Formby with 7, Wilson with 6, and Walker with 3. Yarborough frof Houston attorney Don Yar borough also concentrated on present state leadership, with only occasional punches at Connally. Recognizing he needs strong rural support as part of the classic Democratic patchwork coalition, he stressed country Yarborough problems. He emphasized the need for juvenile delinquency reforms to reduce repeat-violation offenders. Speaking in East Texas in the same New Frontier vein, he proposed that Texas copy the Illinois plan of establishing youth ranches specializing in rehabilitation and private counselling. Yarborough argued that 41 ether states are doing a better job on old-age pensions than Texas. “I believe most Texans want to insure and protect an adequate income for our senior citizens and enable them to maintain a decent standard of living.” He continued to criticize “a tired governor who has allowed things to bog down.” Opening Dallas headquarters, he predicted he will lead the firstprimary field in conservative Dallas County “while the other candidates tie each other up.” The vote there would be split, he said, between Wilson, Daniel, and Republican Cox. In contrast, even his opponents, he said, concede he will top the field in the Gulf Coast area. “We felt from the beginning we would be strong in the small towns and farming areas. We are tremendously pleased by our prospects in the major metropolitan areas.” Speaking in Jasper, Yarborough proposed five steps for rural progress in the state. One, a “muchneeded increase in old-age assistance to lift Texas above its 41st ranking.” The $53 monthly average pension is “lower than any surrounding state and clearly inadequate to meet rising medical costs.” Two, repeal of the sales tax for “long overdue taxes on interstate gas pipeline companies and out of state corporations.” Three, an industrial development program for rural areas. Four, establishment of a small business task force to help end “monopo listic practices” by out-of-state corporations. Five, formation of a rural affairs division in state government to concentrate on problems such as “protecting our great rural electric cooperatives from being squeezed out” and to alleviate depression conditions in 144 counties. He said the Supreme Court decision on urban-rural apportionment “points up the challenge facing Texas to revitalize our rural economy.” Yarboough’s state headquarters released a letter from Paul Montemayor, a Latin and labor leader in South Texas, criticizing t h e PASSO endorsement of Daniel, who “did not know our needs,” and endorsing Yarborough, who favors a minimum wage, medical care for the aged, and advancement for Latins. Daniel I, The fourth-term issue still remains, along with the alleged LBJ connection with the Daniel the, Valley, is “falling flat” because “the people are more interested in the type of service than in the length, and eight years is no more than a second term for county officers who are re-elected for a four-year term.” He is convinced Texans “want to continue the honest, experienced, and independent administration we have given Texas for the past five years.” In a fighting talk in McAllen, the governor said: “We think we have made great progress in this state. At least we have restored honesty and integrity on our state boards. We have not had scandals that have plagued us in the past . . . You always can tell who is the lead horse because all the rest are concentrating their fire on him.” “I know you hate to hear all these bad things said about the governor, that he is not a hard worker, that he is tired and not a good leader, when they know I work my head off all day and a good part of the night on these programs.” In Corpus Daniel said his Padre Island committee would have a report ready next month “so we can have either a federal, state, or joint development.” He also said he wants to clear up some of the sales tax inequities, and he pledged to fight to keep the tax from being increased. He got a boost elsewhere from the presidents of the San Jacinto Museum and the Sons of the Republic of Texas, who charged that Connally’s accusation that Daniel is responsible for failure to get money from the legislature for the repairs is likewise making the issue a political football. Later, on the Big Thicket, Daniel said he had been misrepresented and had no idea of making the whole area a state park. At an Austin conference on law enforcement, the governor came out sharply against horse-racing and betting as a threat to law and order. He blamed “lobbyists for criminal elements” and a recalcitrant minority of the legislature for blocking his efforts to revise criminal laws. He endorsed, among other things, loan shark legislation, better juvenile parole, and a stronger lobby registration law. “There is a loophole in the lobby control law big enough to drive a whole busload of lobbyists through,” he charged. Walker Por Former Gen. Edwin Walker predicted he would win the Democratic nomination without a run-off. He told Corpus Christi newsmen the only real competi tion which concerns him will come from the GOP’s Jack Cox in the November general election. Speaking in McAllen, Walker said “the only real border problem is the illegal trespass of the federal government upon the rights of individual citizens.” As governor he would “guarantee the right to work and the protection of property of every citizen.” In El Paso last week he said: “The current furor over the editorship . . at the University of Texas represents the same shortcomings in the education of our youth that I attempted to correct by my pro-blue training program in Americanism in Europe.” This furor would not have arisen “had our educational system performed its purpose of educating young Americans in the moral and ethical values and the constitutional principles upon which their future and that of America depend.” In a special campaign brochure, Walker said he is “a target of the communist conspiracy. I became the target in Germany, was singled out by Pravda, TASS, the Worker, Gus Hall, and their agents and collaborators in the United States. These enemies, with their propaganda. are here among us.” He said he favored state development of Padre Island because a federal park there would be another encroachment of states rights. Wilson, Formby v ir Atty. Gen. Will Wilson spent a less active week in terms of campaign pronouncements. His major effort was a forthright state m e n t on teacher tenure a n d academic freedom at a University of Texas rally. The four main education problems in Texas, he declared, are Wilson “higher standards, academic f reedom, attracting a n d keeping qualified teachers, and providing educational opportunities for more young people. “If the University of Texas is to become an even greater institution than it is today, we must draw the line somewhere on its size.” Not size alone, but quality, is the test of a great university.