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RENEW Tu the Texas Observer 404 W. 24th St., Austin Marne: Address: City: ‘ One year, $4; 2, $7.50; 3, $11 COMPLETE INSUR SERVICE HALL’S WIGINTON-HALL LEAGUE CITY INSURANCE AGENCY INSURANCE AGENCY INSURANCE AGENCY Dickinson, Texas Alvin, Texas League City, Texas E D T -SEDC Feud Heats Meetings The Week in Texas OKLAHOMA CITY, EL PASO Jim Lindsey, state Democratic executive committee chairman, and Mrs. R. D. Randolph, national committeewoman from Texas, crossed in a closed-door session at the regional conference of Democrats in Oklahoma City. Lindsey assured the group that the state committee was composed of “all good Democrats.” Mrs. Randolph asked him why it had nothing to say against Republicans and only criticized good Democrats who did the work in the state. Paul Butler, national chairman, intervened before Lindsey could reply. Byron Skelton, national committeeamn from Texas, and Mrs. Randolph also differed on the loyalty of SDEC members to the party. Butler, in a ticklish position, said publicly he and the national committee will continue to work with the state committee. He said also that he would receive funds from the DOT group gladly. He said Texas is the only state in the union with such a serious intraparty rift. Sen. Ralph Yarborough was the only elected Texan in the Congress present at the regional meeting; in fact, he was the only senator from the six-state area. Butler introduced him as “one of the outstanding young senators” Tech Prof Says Code Violated LUBBOCK Three standards of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools were violated by Texas Tech’s board of directors when it fired Profs. Byron Abernethy, Herbert Greenberg and Per Stensland, Abernethy charged here this week. , He listed the standards from the association’s handbook: have the power, it has not the right, to assume the duties of the administration in the employment and discharge of staff members against the, recommendation of administrative staff officers.” “The freedom to teach the truth as he sees it is the privilege and responsibility of the teacher.” “The guarantee of this freedom means security of position of every stable institution of higher learning.” The association is Tech’s accrediting agency. It is currently investigating the firings. Meantime, the Beaumont Enterprise editorially condemned the refusal of the board to give the three professors an open hearing. Said the Enterprise: “An effort to cover up the real reason for ousters was made with the ridiculous claim that the instructors were academically unfit to hold their positions. “One has been active in Texas other has taken a sympathetic attitude toward integration \(Greention with the Ford Foundation in these parts in spite of the fact that it has poured out many thousands of dollars for Texas hospitals and educational projects. “If the board members are unhappy about these activities and associations, they should have the guts to say so in the OPEN.” with “a great future in the Democratic Party.” Yarborough mentioned Sen. Lyndon Johnson as “the skillful majority leader” and also cornplimented Speaker Sam Rayburn. Neither attended the meeting. Privately Butler told some Texas Democrats that the Arkansas episode has taken the steam out of any Southern candidate for chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Sen. Johnson has been reported favoring Sen. Smathers of Florida to replace Butler. Reports received in Austin also said Butler said privately the Arkansas episode takes Johnson out of the running as a presidential candidate in 1960. Butler was advised that more speakers are needed in Texas to talk about the Democrats’ programs. It is understood Butler explained that the DNC follows a procedure of accepting requests from a state, then consulting with the party leaders in the state. Sen. Yarborough’s presence in Washington as a party leader from Texas may be a future factor, he indicated. Last Monday, in a DOT meeting at El Paso, to which she flew from the Oklahoma meeting, Mrs. Randolph again attacked the SDLIC, saying: “we loyal Democrats know that the control of the state executive committee is in the hands of the Dixiecrats and the Republicans. Our loyal Democrats on the committee can be outvoted at any time.” The national committeewoman also lasheeat Jake Pickle, SDEC organizer. Of Pickle she said: “Jake Pickle says that he is a loyal Democrat and that we do not need the Democrats of Texas. This is the same Jake Pickle that organized the Big Steal at the Fort Worth Convention. This is the same Jake Pickle who worked for the Pool billa bill aimed against Ralph Yarborough. This is the same Jake Pickle that organized and conducted Allan Shivers’ infamous 1954 campaign for governor against Ralph Yarborougha campaign notorious for its slander and smear. And it’s the same Pickle who conducted Price Daniel’s 1956 campaign. “You and I do not believe that this leopard has changed his spots. We know better than to be lulled to sleep by a man who does not believe in Democratic principles or in the Democratic Partya man who has always been a henchman for Allan Shivers.” DOT, said Mrs. Randolph, is “fighting for three rights: the right to vote, the right to have our votes counted, and the right to have our votes counted right.” Editorial Comment? HOUSTON Even the judges of the First Court of Appeals cracked a strained smile when they read a Houston story about their court formally opening sessions here. The court clerk administered the oath and read a prayer which among other things pleaded: “God save the Constitution and this honorable Court.” The newspaper made the prayer urge: “God save the Constitution in this honorable Cburt.” THE TEXAS OBSERVER Page 5 Sept. 27, 1957 The El Paso Times reacted editorially to the El Paso DOT meeting this way: “If that group Democratic Party in Texas and read out of the party all those Texans who call themselves Democrats but who voted for Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952 and again in 1956, it will be the swan song for the Democratic Party in Texas.” The El Paso Herald-Post’s editorial page feature, “The Fence,” said this of the DOT conference: “Mrs. Randolph aided by Mrs. Guinn is whooping up the Democrats for Senator Yarborough. They are giving Governor Daniel the backs of their hands. But Governor Daniel can’t be nonplussed. He will be in. El Paso Sunday to see about things. One thing he had better see about is the women. If you lose the support of the women, few men will vote for you.” AFL-00 Counters NAM Debate ‘Aids’ AUSTIN Organized labor is moving to counter offers of “aid” to college and high school debaters by the National Association of Manufacturers and the Texas Manufacturers AsH. S. Brown, educational and research director of Texas Stag AFL-CIO, said speakers’ kits explaining labor’s views on “right to work” legislation are now available to interested debaters from AFL-CIO headquarters in the VFW Building at Austin. The Speech Association of America has recommended that debaters this year use the question: “Resolved: That the requirement of membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment should be illegal.” A majority of debate’ coaches over the nation usually, adopt the assoc i a t i o n’s recommendation for their teams. Brown said he had examined the NAM kits. “It is easy to see,” he said, “that they are still singing the same song, only the second verse, of “workers, never mind your wages, protect your rights.” But these “rights,” he said, are ‘the rights to work at low wages, long hours and under sad working conditions. “These organizations which have continually opposed social security, Minimum wagels, fair labor standards act, the Wagner act, and were the exponents of the yellow dog contract, have now latched onto a Madison Avenue song, the end result of which can only be to weaken and destroy unions, if possible.” OAsian flu is reaching the epi demic stage in Texas but isn’t anything to get too excited about, say state health officials. OThe Securities Exchange Commission Fort Worth office staff has been increased by three to help the Texas Securities Board clean up phoney stock promotions in the state. OFour suits have been filed in Dallas naming 14 Dallas bail bondsmen for malpractice of law. The bondsmen gave legal advice, say the suits, filed by the county bar grievance committee., OIn Atlanta, Ga., court rec ords reveal E. S. Price, Ballinger oil promoter, has offered to return the money Georgians invested in his oil deals if they will drop charges against him. OConcern is now widespread in Austin that the 12 and 13day oil allowables of the last several months may exhaust the state treasury in a few months and make a whopping tax bill certain in 1959. Houston Better Business Bu reau manager C. E, Buehner told the Houston Press loan sharks in Houston are “the worst in the entire country.” ODr. W. R. White, president of Baylor, has received appeals from Southern Baptist Con, vention missionaries to Nigeria, Africa, asking that Baptist leaders be for quicker integration. Southern Baptist segregationism is making it harder for the missionaries to do their religious wog in. Africa, the appeals said. The Dallas school board will ask three federal judges, sitting as a panel, whether it must obey federal integration orders or the state law banning integration until a local election is held. This is almost certain to result in the declaration that the state law is unconstitutional. OTwo Lubbock commercial TV stations KCBD and KDUBhave offered to donate about $30,000 each toward the establishment of an educational television station in Lubbock. An FCC examiner has recommended the authorization be given Texas Tech. a OSen. Henry Gonzalez, San Antonio, spoke to a GI Forum convention meeting in Albuquerque, advising them to work for programs for all the people, not just for Latins. OIn Fort Worth a criminal dis trict court jury sentenced a 32-year-old disbarred lawyer, J. C. Moupt, to five years after find ing him guilty of fraudulently acquiring a $10,500 mortgage loan through his post as head of the Ridgelea branch of Home Guaranty Abstract Co., now in receivership. OThe urban renewal adminis tration in Washington has approved a demonstration grant of $11,634 to help Fort Worth explore rehabilitation of homes in houses in the Lake Como urban renewal project. OBapk robbers ” got $3,325 in coi s from First State Bank i l, in Gust ne. They used an acetylene toich to burn a 12×18 inch hole in the vault door af i re/. chiseling through a two-foot rock wall of \(an abandoned vault. Nobody knows how they got inside the bank. OTwo Texas Rangers, DA James Kazen, and others raided la spot in Laredo and found gambling going on. They confiscated $721.27 in American money, 678 Mexican pesos, pairs of dice,l’and decks of cards. Lu in city commission has in eased its phone rates. OSpeaker Sam Rayburn says -Congress will cut taxes next year if possible. OExi-Gov. Johnston Murray of 0*ahoma told a meeting of the Lelrelland American Petroleum Iristitute chapter to defend oil against its detractors. “Don’t let peoPle tell you we’re getting , rich,” hp said. OA ‘widow wrote the Houston Press asking why when every car owner is required to carry liability insurance, the county can operate4 with faulty equipment and not! be held for damages. Her .f husband, father of her three sons, had been killed in a wreck with a county itruck. The Texas law requiring’ motorists to have car insurance specifically exempts the Texas counties, said Harris county attorney’ Joe Resweber. 1113..e, Small Business Admin i iskration has approved busi ness Bans to 20 Texas firms and disastet loans on 57 homes and I busineSses in Texas.