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‘$18 MILLION MORE’? WORKMEN’S AID DEBATED Poll Indicates ‘Sine Die’ Sometime Next Month AUSTIN Despite persistent reports that many legislators are ready to close shop and rush home at the close of the 120day pay period May 8, an Observer poll of 16 representatives and four senators indicates that a majority expect to stay on the job until at least May 15, and some until June 1. Nine of the representatives and three of the senators interviewed Naturopath Probe May Be Delayed AUSTIN If the legislature works fast it may get out of town before the Travis County grancl jury reports on its naturopath-bribery inquiry. Legislators were edgy last week about the probe going on five or six blocks away in the courthouse. Rep. Wade Spilman, chairman of the House Cox committee, was the only witness, but it is understood statements from nine naturopaths have been taken by the Department of Public Safety for the grand jury. Dr. Harold Santi, a La Porte naturopath, told Houston newspapers that Austin records of the naturopaths’ 1955 lobbyist spending have been found, that the grand jury can’t help but indict “same legislators,” and that in his own mind “I am positive that there were payoffs” in addition to the one allegedly made to ex-Rep. James Cox. “We have had to pay off in order to keep our licenses,” Santi said. D. A. Les Procter said 15 to 25 more witnesses will have to be called. He complained of Madequat e prosecution personnel, which assured that the inquiry will not mature for several weeks. Sen. CharleS Herring said he’d push the bill to give Procter more assistants. This much is known now: Al Brown, the naturopaths’ lobbyist in 1955, admits he spent cash for entertainment, liquor, cocktail parties, and meals “for people who might be in a position to help my employers.” He denies he paid off any legislators. On Jan. 31, 1955, the House public health committee passed, 12-8, a bill favorable to the naturopaths. On Feb. 1, 1955, one day later, 14 checks were made cut by Br own to cash in sums from $50 to $500 totaling more than $3,000. Brown said these were for “accumulated ex’ penses” and other items. On Feb. 3, 1955, two days later, Brown cashed six checks to cash for a total of about $1,200. They each carried a notation, “research fees.” Brown said this might be for his travel milage or part of a “conglomeration of expenses.” In. January, 1955, Brown with drew $7,318.30 from the naturopaths’ legislative fund. In Feb., through the 19th, when he left the naturopaths, he withdrew another $10,497 from the fund. On the 13 there was a $2,500 cash withdrawalfor “accumulated expenses,” said Brown. There are also withdrawals for $1,000 and $750 at this period. Ex-Sen. Kilmer Corbin, Lubbock, was paid a fee of unspecified amount for a case he agreed to take for a naturopath in West Texas, said Brown. said they didn’t believe that all pressing legislation will have been considered by May 8. Only two gave opinions that members would vote to go home at the close of the 120 days, two .others said “Maybe,” and two more said they’d vote to close “regardless.” Col. J. E. Winfree, Houston, was one of those who believed there is still a chance to finish “on time,” but he said if members weren’t given time to consider teachers’ pay hikes in the regular session they would surely work overtime. Rep. John Crosthwait, Dallas, declared he is ready to try to push through a sine die resolution the day the 120-day period is reached, “regardless of what has been passed and what not.” He said he had polled members and that they were ready to “go along.” Over in the Senate three members indicated they expected the session to run past the 120 days. Senator George Parkhouse, Dallas, said he was doubtful the work could be finished on time mainly because of important water and insurance legislation still pending. Senator Ray Roberts, McKinney, said he had “no hope” of completing necessary business in 120 days. He said he was just “hoping to finish by June 1.” Senator Bill Fly. Victoria, the chairman of the Senate Finance committee, said the conference committee working on the appropriations was “pleased at the progress we are making….I think In 1955, on March 16, when the legislature was in session, Brown wrote against the nattua -opaths’ legislative fund seven checks to cash for $500 each. None of them were endorsed. March 30, 1953, seven more checks were written to cash, each for $500. Around such withdrawals. from the lobbying fund revolves the question, will more legislators or ex-legislators be indicted for bribery? HOUSTON The purist conservatives of this politically polarized metropolis are now in firm control of the school system. They have accepted the resignation of Dr. W. E. Moreland as superintendent, and they have elevated to top spot in the system G. C. Scarborough, a conservative opposed to federal aid to education and integration. They have been voting down textbooks on political grounds. The five-two conservative-liberal split on the school board has provoked editorials of concern for the school system in the Houston Post and Houston Press. Mrs. Earl Maughmer, a freshman on the board, has stirred up the textbook controversy. “I am opposed to one-worldism and federal controls,” she says. “I would like to see facts presented without editorializing.” She said two geography books promoted one worldism and the United Nations, and that two economics books recommended to the board were slated to sell students on federal controls. So the 5-2 majority backed her in rejecting them. She objected to an economics book on grounds that students were referred to works of a num it will be ready by May 1.” However, Fly said that even if the bill does come out before May 1, he expected’ it to be sometime between May 15 and June 1 before pressing business would be settled, because “there are still so many things pending.” Sen. Culp Krueger, El Campo, said he believed the Senate “can complete its work in the 120 day period, and I believe the sentiment is that we aie going to do just that.” Among those expressing doubt that the House would be finished or stop work at the 120-day mark were Reps. Joe Pool, Dallas; Robert Baker, Houston; Bob Mullen, Alice; Col. John Blaine, El Paso; Barefoot Sanders, Dallas; Roy Harrington, Port Arthur; Wade Spilman, McAllen, Zeke Zbranek, Daisetta. Virtually all predicted that although work might run beyond the regular period, it would be only for a short tmie. House Speaker Waggoner Carr, Lubbock, declined to say whether he thought the session would close at 120 days. “The House is doing everything it can to hit as near May 8 as possible. We are making every effort but there is still some major legislation which has to be completed.” Rep. Carlton Moore, Houston, said he intended to vote to shut down May 8 “regardless of what bills are left.” Rep. Jerry Saddler said, “The House wouldn’t be able to complete its . work by the Juneteenth. But due to the confusion, I think they’d like to go home now.’ I think they’ll quit about May 8.” Rep. Reagan Huffman, Marshall, said, “I ‘don’t expect the segregation bills to hold up anything.” Rep. Truett Latimer, Abilene, a predicted that “we will adjourn member of the finance committee which has probably caught the bulk of the session’s work pretty close to the 120-day period. I’m tired, and I think most of the others are ready to go home.” BOB BRAY ber of authors who had been listed in various government reports as have been associated with subversive organizations. She named “Arnold Thurman,” Edna Ferber, Allan Nevins, G. D. H. Cole, and others. However, her objections to one textbook on economics in preference to another have apparently been foiled by ‘a counter-attack that the book she recommended, “Understanding Our Free Economy,” advocates birth control, lists works by Karl Marx as outside reading, and opposes protective tariffs. Minority school board member Dr. W. W. Kemmerer charged that Moreland resigned under “coercion” and said Scarborough was a “C” student in North Texas State College, could not write a textbook, and represented a victory for the “Mills dynasty.” Mrs. Frank Dyer accused Kemmerer of tearing Scarborough apart. Stone Wells, who is an Austin lobbyist for Tennessee Gas Transmission and also a conservative on the Houston school board, said Kemmerer. w a s being underhanded. Wells said he is for Scarborough because he will run schools “in which the American way of life will be taught, the Texas way of life will be taught, and conservatism will be taught.” AUSTIN Sharp differences between labor and management on how the workmen’s compensation law should be overhauled have been passed to the Senate. The controversial workmen’s comp bill by Senator Floyd Bradshaw, Weatherford, was moved out by the Senate State Affairs committee Monday. The bill had been presented to members of the judiciary committee last week. The session opened with Senator R. A. Weinert, Seguin, making a remark that raised the ire of labor. Fixing the time for each side to speak for and against the measure, Weinert inquired, “How much time do the claimants attorneys want?” Both Fred Schmidt, CIO executive secretary, and Jerry Holleman, AFL executive secretary, said they saw no “claimants attorneys present” and that they represented the workers. Weinert said he had meant to be facetious. Joe Shelton, Dallas, representative of the Texas Manufacturers Association, pointed out the major changes proposed in the new bill, which is sponsored by Senator Floyd Bradshaw, Weatherford. He said the proposal would give additional compensation to virtually all workers and that moneywise it would mean employers would spend an additional $18 million annually for workers’ benefits. Generally these include, raising the weekly benefit maximum from $25 to $40 and extending hospital and medical services. The bill limits attorneys’ fees in workers’ compensation cases and sets up additional administrative procedures with the intent of settling many such claims at the local level without court costs or heavy attorney fees. Shelton said that he wanted to see “the money get in the hands of those who suffered the loss.” Schmidt said that his organization was by no means totally opposed to the bill, that there are “many features of it which we warmly embrace.” But he pointed out that “part of the additional $18 million would come automatically with growth of the state.” However, he said he was not going to “quarrel with the bill.” As he saw it, the issue was “less how big the melon should be than how it should be portioned out to injured workers.” His major objection is that the bill will mean less money for “some men who are permanently and partially disabled,” depending on how much money they were making when injured. Shelton verified that “some few workers” would get less compensation under the new bill than the one now on the books but declared: “The segment that will be harmed by this is very, very minor compared to the number to be helped.” Ex-Rep. Charles Murphy, Houston, also representing TMA, said that of the approximately 50,000 workers receiving indemnity payments, about 18 percent “could possibly” draw less money under the proposed bill. “The rest would receive more, and there’s no question about it,” Murphy declared. Holleman. indicated he also favors most portions of the bill but .is opposed to the section which would cut some injured workers’ compensation. “T h e maximum should now be 60 percent of $75,” he declared. “Certainly this new bill which is supposed to improve workmen’s compensation should not mean a reduction in any workers’ benefits.” In discussing areas of agree ment, Schmidt made it clear that the unions agree with portions of the bill which would reduce attorneys’ fees and establish administrative procedures on the local level where many claims could be settled. Johnson Questions Foreign Aid Gifts AUSTIN Sen. Lyndon Johnson, the Democratic majority leader in the U. S. Senate, made an important foreign policy statement in Brownwood last Friday which correlates with Sen.-elect Ralph Yarborough’s recent criticism of foreign aid. Johnson called for reexamination of foreign policies to find “which would best serve our purpose.” “No stop-gap program can continue forever, especially when it involves gifts. Even the United States with all its fabulous wealth cannot carry the rest of the world on its shoulders,” he said. “Our foreign policy should be one to help free nations of the world maintain their independence and their integrity. We’d not seek to build a set of satellites dependent on our charity and our bounty for their support. We can’t buy friendship. We can help other people to help themselves.” Sen.-elect Yarborough, who has also criticised foreign aid and called for “drastic cuts” in it, teed of last week on the state’s “horse and buggy gOvernment.” He said many Texas laws passed when 85