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IF YOU BUY A CAR, A HOUSE; If any of your policies expireCALL tr `Bow’ Williams Automobile and General Insurance 624 Lamar GR. 2-0545 AUSTIN, TEXAS Represents ICT Insurance Co. and other standard stock companies ‘LET’S ABOLISH THE POLL TAX’ THHE STATE OF TEXAS To any Sheriff or any Constable within the State of Texas GREETING: You are hereby commanded to cause to be published, ONCE, not I less than ten days before the return day thereof, in a newspaper printed in Travis County, Texas, the accompanying citation, of which the herein below following is a true copy\(but if there be no newspaper so printed in said county, then that you cause the said citation to be posted for at least TEN days before the return CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE, OF TEXAS TO ALL PERSONS interested in the estate of Billy Dee Fisher, a Minor. No. 13,208, County Court Travis County, Texas. The Austin National Bank of Austin, Texas, Guardian, thereof, filed in the County Court of Travis County, Texas, on the 18th day of January A. D. 1957, its Final Account of the condition of the Estate of said Billy Dee Fisher, a Minor, together with an Application to be discharged from said Estate. Said Final Account and Application will be heard and acted on by said Court on the first Monday next after the expiration of ten days from date of Posting or Publishing this citation, the same being the 11th day of February, 1957. at the Courthouse thereof in Austin, Texas, at which time and place all persons interested in the Account for Final Settlement of said Estate are required to appear by filing a written answer and contest said account and application should they choose to do so. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law, and the mandates hereof, and make due return as the law directs. Given under my hand and the Seal Of said Court at office in Austin, Texas, this the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1957. EMILIE LIMBERG. Clerk of the County Court. Travis County, Texas By M. EPHRAIM, Deputy NOTICE OF LOST INSURANCE POLICIES Notice is hereby given that the following numbered blank policies of The American Insurance Company of Newark, New Jersey, furnished Joe Bland Insurance Agency, Agent at Austin, Texas, GOVERNOR DANIEL FENCES ON TAXES AUSTIN The shutters of the very thin, very high French windows of the Governor’s reception hall were open, and gray light from the winter sky fell across the oval table as the reporters waited for the first formal press conference of the new administration to begin. Everybody was relaxed, knowing Governor Daniel mould not say much about new taxes until his message, which is expected next Monday, Feb. 4. Daniel entered wearing a royal blue suit and striped. tie. Greeting the newsmen he asked for any advice on this or that, or even “how to meet all the needs of the state out of anticipated revenue.” When he was pressed on how he might finance the interest payments involved in his support of the Parkhouse plan for buying federal reservoir storage space of somebody’s gonna have to try to figure that out between now and February fourth.” Ve will submit then, not dummy appropriation bills, as has been done on occasion in the past, but his real spending recommendations. A newsman asked if he had given “any thought to the source of new taxes” if they are necessary. He smiled. “I sure have given some thought to that.” “Do you have any in. your mind?” “Yes sir.” “Would you name any?” “No sir.” How about a transaction tax? asked another reporter. He had voted against that when in the legislature before the war, he replied. Is his office looking into the gas pipeline tax \(as a Dallas “No,” he said. “If someone in my office was considering it, I don’t know who it is.” He asked reporters to check rumors with him or his staff thereafter. ” ‘The office’ is not gonna be doing any talking,” he said. A study “to find wholly new sources and tap the sources that are now not tapped” is needed, he said. Whether such sources 1.1.rould be definite enough by the fourth, he was not sure. He hopes if there is any gap between revenue and spending, “it’ll not be a large amount.” He announced he is considering denying all pardons for “dwi” license suspensions. There are 7,127 such suspensions in force now, he said; he is asked to’ pardon about 50 each month because of such hardship cases as a man who drives a truck to earn his living or a farmer who needs to take his produce to the market. “I hope we’ll find it will be possible not to restore any of these licenses,” he said. He cited figures that 24 percent of rural auto accidents causing deaths involved persons who “had been drinking,” while the same figure for nonfatal accidents was 13 percent in 1956. Daniel announced Jake Jacobsen is his executive assistant, Mrs. Emma Ward his administrative assistant, George Christian THE TEXAS OBSERVER Page 5 Jan. 29, 1957 his administrative assistant in charge of press relations, and Bill McGill his civil defense co-ordinator \(with other duties in the will stay on for several months. The senator’s sister will have space in his offices to help with his personal matters, and she will be on his personal payroll, he noted. CLASSIFIED MAKE $75 UP WEEKLY, spare time. Sell liquid fertilizer to farmers. Exclusive franchise available. Liberal profits. Free local advertising. No investment, no experience required. Write “NaChurs” Plant Food .Co., 345 Monroe St., Marion, Ohio. LEGALS CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO Ethel Scott Defendant, in the hereinafter styled and numbered cause: You are hereby commanded to appear before the 126th District Court of Travis County, Texas, to be held at the courthouse of said county in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, at or before 10 o’clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of 42 days from the date of issuance hereof; that is to say, at or before, 10 o’clock A. M. of Monday the 11th day of March, 1957, and answer the petition of plaintiff in Cause Number 105991, in which John D. Scott is Plaintiff and Ethel Scott is defendant, filed in said Court on the 23rd day of January, 1957, and the nature of which said suit is as follows: Being an action and prayer for judgment in favor of plaintiff and against defendant for decree of divorce dissolVing the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between said parties; plaintiff alleges cruel treatment on the part of defendant towards him of such a nature as to render their living together as husband and wife altogether insupportable; plaintiff further alleges that no community property has been accumulated; plaintiff further prays for cost of suit and relief, general and special; All of which more fully appears from Plaintiff’s Original Petition on file in this office and to which reference is here made; It this citation is not served within 90 days after date of its issuance, it shall be returned unserved. WITNESS, 0. T. MARTIN, JR., Clerk of the District Courts of Travis County, Texas. Issued and given under my hand and the seal of said Court at office in the City of Austin, this the 23rd day of January, 1957. 0. T. MARTIN, JR., Clerk of the District Courts, Travis County, Texas By BOB BAKER, Deputy. THE STATE OF TEXAS To any Sheriff or any Constable within the State of Texas GREETING: You are hereby commanded no t cause to be published, ONCE, not less than ten days before the return day thereof, in a newspaper printed in Travis County, Texas, the accompanying citation, of which the herein below following is a true copy\(but if there be no newspaper so printed in said county, then that you cause the said citation to be posted for at least TEN days before the return CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO ALL PERSONS interested in the estate of Dewey Lloyd Dikeman, Deceased. No. 17,266, County Court Travis County, Texas. Felix L. Elkins, Executor thereof, filed in the County Court of Travis County, Texas, on the 21st day of January, A.D. 1957, his Final Account of the condition of the Estate of said Dewey Lloyd Dikeman, Deceased, together with an Application to be discharged from said Estate. Said Final Account and Application will be heard and acted on by said Court on the first Monday next after the expiration of ten days from date of Posting or Publishing this citation, the same being the 11 day of February, 1957, at the Courthouse thereof in Austin, Texas, at which time and place all persons interested in the Account for Final Settlement of said Estate are required to appear by filing a written answer and contest said account and application should tf h e y choose to do so. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law, and the mandates hereof, and make due return as the law directs. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of said Court at office in Austin, Texas, this the 28th day of December, A.D. 1956. EMILIE LIMBERG Clerk of the County Court, Travis County, Texas. By M. EPHRAIM, Deputy THE STATE OF TEXAS To any Sheriff or any Constable within the State of Texas GREETING: You are hereby commanded to cause to be published, ONCE, not less than ten days before the return day thereof, in a newspaper printed in Travis County, Texas, the accompanying citation, of which the herein below following is a true copy\(but if there be no newspaper so printed in said county, then that you cause the said citation to be posted for at least TEN days before the return CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO ALL PERSONS interested in the estate of George Carroll Baxley, Deceased. No. 16,630, County Court Travis Travis County, Texas on the 21st day of January, A. D. 1957, its Final Account of the condition of the Estate of said George Carroll Baxley, Deceased, together with an Application to be discharged from said Estate. Said Final Account and Application will be heard and acted on by said Court on the first Monday next after the expiration of ten days from date of Posting or Publishing this citation, the same being the 11th day of February, 1957, at the Courthouse thereof in Austin, Texas, at which time and place all persons interested in the Account for Final Settlement of said Estate are required to appear by filing a written answer and contest said account and application should they choose to do so. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law, and the mandate hereof, and make due return as the law directs. Given under my hand the the Seal of said Court at office in Austin, Texas, this the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1957. EMILIIE LIMBERG, Clerk of the County Court, Travis County, Texas By M. EPHRAIM, Deputy nave been .tost, misplaced, destroyed, or stolen, and are hereby declared null and void and of no effect, and should not be accepted in executed form by any person. AC 8529223 through and includ ing AC 8529224 AC 8553750 through and including AC 8553774 Any person having knowledge of the whereabouts of these policies in either blank or executed form, please communicate at once with John T. Dickehut, Special Agent, 915 Maverick Building, San Antonio, Texas. By M. EPHRAIM, Deputy CITATION BY PUBLICATION TO Mary E. Pulatie, Defendant, in the hereinafter styled and numbered cause: You are hereby commanded to appear before the 126th District Court of Travis County, Texas, to be held at the courthouse of said county in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, at or before 10 o’clock A.M.of the first Monday after the expiration of 42 days from the date of issuance hereof; that is to say, at or before, 10 o’clock A. M. of Monday the 18th day of February, 1957, and answer the petition of plaintiff in Cause Number 105377, in which Earl J. Pulatie is Plaintiff and Mary E. Pulatie is defendant, filed in said Court on the 12th day of October, 1956, and the nature of which said suit is as follows: Being an action. and prayer for judgment in favor of plaintiff and against defendant for decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between said parties; plaintiff alleges cruel treatment on the part of defendant towards him of such a nature as to render their further living together as husband and wife altogether insupportable; Plaintiff further alleges that no community property has been accumulated; plaintiff further prays for cost of suit and relief general and special; All of which more fully appears from Plaintiff’s Original Petition on file in this office and to which reference is here made. If this citation is not served within 90 days after date of its issuance, it shall be returned unserved. WITNESS, 0. T. MARTIN, JR., Clerk of the District Courts of Travis County, Texas. Issued and given under my hand and the seal of said Court at office in the City of Austin, this the 4th day of January, 1957. 0. T. MARTIN, JR., Clerk of the District Courts, Travis County, Texas By BOB BAKER, Deputy. CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO Andy L. Allen Defendant, in the hereinafter styled and numbered cause: You are hereby commanded to appear before the 126th District Court of Travis County, Texas, to be held at the courthouse of said county in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, at or before 10 o’clock A. M. of the first Monday after the expiration of 42 days from the date of issuance hereof; that is to say, at or before, 10 o’clock A. M. of Monday the 4th day of March, 1957, and answer the First Amended Orig