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Called “Stockholder Profit Sharing Plan,” and available only to ICT Group stockholders, this plan offers: ,41 1.INCOME PRODUCING INVESTMENT 2.SAVINGS BANK. SECURITY 3.LIFE INSURANCE PROTECTION All who participate in the Stock holder Profit Sharing Pian create profit for themselves in two ways: 1.FROM CASH DIVIDENDS PAID ON UNITS OF THE PLAN 2.AS STOCKHOLDERS IN ICT INSURANCE COMPANY O R I C T DISCOUNT CORPORA-TION, YOU SHARE IN THE PROFITS MADE BY ICT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. A vitally important message to all ICT Group stockholderi YOU. ARE ENTITLED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NEW Stockholder et Profit Sharing Plan After many months of hard work and careful study, The ICT Life insurance company is ready to announce an exclusivp personal benefit plan for ICT Group stockholders only! If you are an ICT Group stockholder, Home Office Representatives will soon be calling on you to fully explain your ‘rights under the plan and show you how to exercise them. For your own benefit and profit ., give these Representatives an opportunity to point out many exclusive advantages the plan offers. Many of you may want to have the Plan explained to you in detail before a Home office Representative has a chance to contact you per. sonally. At right is a cou pon to be filled out and mailed if you would like -to have complete facts on the Plan as soon as possible. We Gentlemen: I understand the Stockholder Profit Sharing Plan offers me as an ICT Group stockholder ‘many exclusive, unprecedented benefits. I want to be among the first ICT stockholders to hear all about the Platf and receive my Allotment Cer. tificate. So, please have a Home Office Represent-ative call on me as soon as possible. Name Address City State armors immirom IMMO . ICT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ICT BUILDING, DALLAS Remember, Stockholder Profit Sharing Plan Is for ICT Stockholders only! Page 8 October 19, 1955 THE TEXAS OBSERVER A_ Corsicana Negro was charged . in Dallas with “theft of over $50” after he found nearly $50,000 in an old gallon size thermos bottle while digging under a Dallas house last Jan-: uary. Speaker Rayburn and Congress man Patman were honored ill Cooper with an appreciation banquet for getting Congress to authorize the. $20 million -Cooper Clam and reservoir proj ect. Alva Sanders and’four other Dal las men signed a resokttion put out by the “Draft Wright Morrow for Governor of Texas Club” of Dallas saying Morrowis “the most outstanding Jeffersonian Democrat in the nation” and calling the State Demderatic Committee’s replacement of him “illegal.”. . A Corpus Christi Bureau of In ternal Revenue collection officer was arrested in Kingsville, charged. with embeizlement,. of funds. About \\ $2,100 is missing from . delinquent .accOrtnt collections. Governor Shivers dediCated a new $1,325,000 medical-surgical unit at the Austin State Hospital. He expressed hope that a special one-cent-apackage tax on cigarettes would be continued by the Legislature. after 1956. The hospital was built with arette tax mObey., Shivers also-made a special movie house appearance in Austin for the premier of “Lucy Gallant,” star-. ring Jane Wyman, Charlton Heston, I and Allan Shivers. The Governor plays, the Governor.. The Senate . Post Office and Civil . Service Committee will be in Texas within 30 days to investigate reports of “sales” of postmaster. jobs and forced retirement of _Democratic postmasters. GOP National COmmitteeman Jack Porter will be a witness. Senate investigators announce they have a photostat of a letter from Porter asking an acting postmaster in Northeast Texas for a $125 contribution to the ‘Republican Party. The donation was Made. Porter says “there was nothing wrong about it.” Tennessee G a s Transmission Company won a million dollar suit against the State for recovery of payments it made under. Texas’s natural gas “gathering tax,” which was ruled unconstitutional by t h e Supreme Court two years ago. The decision could ca.use_re funds by the State of over $6 million, but the money cannot be refunded until the Legislature appropriates it. Two Negro churches were ad mitted to the Austin Baptist Associationthe first in the history of the Southern Baptist Convention. The vote was -99 to 25. Some Negro delegates attended the 36th annual convention of the Texas Baptist Student Convention in Waco. “It is a chance to practice . . . the Christianity which, we teach and defend,” said a convention official. Integration has ‘cost five Negro’ teachers their jobs in Texas, the Teachers State Association. announced: The ‘five taught in Karnes County; whichintegrated Negro and white students this fall.’ It’s not known whether they foUnd employment elsewhere. Parents of three Negro boys who . were denied admission to Mansfield High School have filed suit -AUSTIN Attorney General . John Ben Shep, perd, who cried “tragic” when the Court of Crithinal Appeals overturned 104 Duval County indictments on which lie had toiled, last week , be , gan getting the indictments again from a new grand jury. . . A new jury in San Diego started work on indictments against the offi EXTRA MONEY SPARE TIME -Refilling and col le c ting money from our high grade Nut Machines in this area. No selling ! To _qualify fOr, work you must have car, references, $600 cash, secured by inventory. Devoting 6-8 hours a week ! to. business, your end on percentage of collections will net as. much as several hundred dollars monthly with very good possibilities of taking over full time. Income increasing accord ingly. For interview, include phone number in application. Write c I, P.O. Box 1761, -Fort Worth Texas. against the school district in a Fort Worth federal court. . A Texas visit by C.I.O. national president Walter Reuther has been postponed until Nov. 14-15. He is scheduled to speak in Dallas and Houston. The original scheduling’ was for mid-October._ Land Commissioner Earl Rudder says about 1,000 Texas veterans will, get a “first come, first served” chance to participate in the remaining $6 million of the veterans’ land loan program starting on Nov. 1. , Senator Price Daniel spoke in Galveston, called for expenditure of more federal funds in conservation and reclamation work in Texas but warned against “depending too much . on-Uncle Sam.” . Daniel was quoted in Washington that he could not support any _Republican other than Eisenhower and “intends” to vote for the Democratic nominee”unless they force me to do otherwise as a matter of conscience.’ Three Texas congressmenJohn J. Bell, Joe Kilgore, and Clark Thompsonwill serve as panel inem-, bees’ for a legislative fortlin at the annual meeting of the South, Texas w Chamber of Commerce . next week in -Laredo. Former Congressman Lloyd Bentsen will moderate. Other panel members include state legisltors. A 15-year-old Memphis, Texas, schoolgirl was killed and two companions injured when a seat of the . giant “sky wheels” at the midway of the State Fair in .Dallas gaveway at the top of the 92-foot ride and hurled them to the groancl. Senator Lyndon Johnson and House Speaker ‘ Sam Rayburn were . honored at Johnson-Ray-burn Day festivities at the fair.. Johnson said in Dallas he might return to Washington this week for a conference with administration leaders on foreign policy. Ralph. Yarborough! also showed . up at the State Fair, was a fea-tured speaker before the Texas Senidr Citizens and Texas DemOciatic Women. General James A. Van Fleet also -spoke in Dallas. He blasted the communists for “deliberate violations”. of the Korean peace terms. cials who were released from the Old jury, charges by the court’s ruling. Twenty-four of the 104′ indictments have already been returned a second time by the new jury, which presurn, 7ably meets all legal requirements: AAThen Shepperd heard of the Appeals Court decision last week, he ex_ploded, “Someday George Parr’s , political debts will be paid,” and hinted that there was some doubt concerning the “impartiality” of. Judge Lloyd W. Davidson, who wrote the opinion.: Davidson’s hometown friends in Greenville expressed regret that “politicians have seen fit to abuse Judge Davidson and the court.” A letter wassent to the Associated Press Bureau in Austin by Hunt County .District Attorney 0. S. Moore and Ootinty Attorney . Bill Pen;berton,, in which they and laWyerS in the town expressed “faith in Davidson and the Appeals Court.” Shepperd said that he and DuVal County District 4ttorney Sam Burris were considering filing a motion to disqualify Davidson on grounds that Davidson “had expressed himself” on the’ Duval County cases. Burris was quoted in Houston as saying Duval Boss George Parr Itad supported Davidson in the 1954 -election.’ Davidson insisted he had given the case “open and fAir consideration.” -. tSliepperd, later last week, said he had not intended to cast discredit on the court. in -clia.ns On-the Alabama-Coushat . to reservation in Polk County, held their annual jamboree with a series of rain, hunting, and war dances. Visitors included Lieutenant Governor Ben Ramsey and Attorney,, General John Ben Shepperd. Former Rep. Bill Daniel, the junior senator’s brother, presented his “Davy Crockett act.” O. Shepperd said in Houston that suits are to be filed against George,. Parr and his associates seeking recovery of $3 million allegedly “rnis appropriated or stolen” in Duval County. Texas. AFL and CIO are joining Democratic groups inTthe big cit, ies in perhaps the most intensified poll tax campai’gn in Texas history. ‘BOW’ WILLIAMS Automobile and General Insurance Represents ICT The Company Owned by Union Members We are liberals. We can write insurance for Observer readers anywhere in the State. Call us collect at 2-0545 in Austin. “Let’s Abolish the Poll Talc” THE WEEK IN TEXAS FRIENDS DEFEND DAVIDSON 4.