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Observer in The Texas i ;. . . ‘ 0 Bartlett Appears Exclusively alp Trxtto Oforrurr Let those flatter who fear, it is not an American art. JEFFERSON ‘Poor Wright, I Knew Him Well’ National Committee. But how can you at once promise to oppose Stevenson if he is nominated and elect as. yOur representative someone who promises to support whoever is nominated ? Scratch your head and think it over, but don’t take Ramsey’s cominitment as binding on the other Shivercrats, and keep in mind this remark Shivers made Thursday night : “Texans have said no before, and the Texas answer is still no r ” Senator Johnson and Speaker Rayburn accept Ramsey Johnson with the incredible statement that Ramsey should “unite Texas Democrats.” Texas Democrats are no” readier to unite behind Ramsey than I they are behind Shivers. Ramsey may a sharp poker player, but he is also part and parcel of the corporate control of the State Government that has brought us to our present plight. The willingness of Johnson and Rayburn to accept Ramsey without a protest is a disservice to The Texas Shivercrats pulled a shrewd one last week. Ben Ramsey is one of the most conservative men in Texas. He has always been a close co-worker with Governor Shivers in all matters legislative. He. cross-filed on the Republican ticket with other state officials in 1952. His. largest campaign contributor last’ year was the Republican finance chairman for Tarrant County. Ilut technically he is a regular Democrat : he says he will support the party nominee in 1956. . By electing Ramsey national committeeman, the Shivercrats have put forward a highly misleading front. Ramsey can support the nominees. next year, but that will not be.binding on any of the other Shivercrats. Unless Shivers has decided’ the Republicans’ dilemma makes it opportune to become a Democrat again even if Adlai Stevenson is nominated Ramsey’s nomination is merely a device for confusing liberals at the precinct conventions next year. In addition, Texas conservatives hope by Ramsey’s selection to ingratiate themselves to the Democratic Texas ‘progress. Texans are not prepared to rest their hopes on Shivers double-talk. Ma n 54 0 SIT 144i 1 PANIC IN THE CAGE Attorney General Shepperd seems somewhat perturbed now that his Duval County indictments have blown up in his face. He has not been exactly the most successful State’s lawyer in our history. He swept down into Duval on the theory or State responsibility for local lawlessness, but he follows a theory of local responsibility for Galveston. He made startling accusations that communists were inundating Port Arthur with “a million-dollar slush fund from Moscow,” but he didn’t manage to find any of them to put in jail. It is not exactly a feather in his cap that Bascom Giles has been convicted of theft, since he and Giles Governor Shivers gave a speech Thursday night in Fort Worth. In the course of it he said : “We are at. the pinnacle of respect and influence and leadership, within’ the Democratic Party and before the nation.” Let’s see, now. Adlai Stevenson drew 6,000 a week before in Austin, compared to 800 -.for. Shivers last. week. . The Texas Poll shows Shivers . his loweSt . Popularity in his career, with only one in four voters wanting hurl to seek a fourth term. October 12, 1955 Incorporating The State Observer, combined with The East Texas Democrat Ronnie Dugger, Editor and General Manager Bill Brammer, Associate Editor Sarah Payne, Office Manager Published once a week from Austin, Texas. Delivered postage prepaid $4 per annum. Advertising rates available on request. Extra copies 10e each. _Quantity orders available. Entered as second-class matter April 26, 1937, at the Post Office at Austin, Texas, under the act of March 3, 1879. We will serve no group or party but will hew hard to the truth as we find it and the right as we see it. We are dedicated to the whole truth, to human values above all interests, to the rights of man as the foundation of democracy; we will take orders from none but our own conscience, and never will we overlook or misrepresent the truth to serve the interests of the powerful or cater to the ignoble in the human spirit. were co-workers for years on the board Giles was stealing from and he was too preoccupied with crowning rural corn queens and leading raspberry parades to notice the tracks in the dust on the land office floor. Now our persistent Attorney General is trying to defy the supreme law of the land on school segregation, and he has been slapped down by one court after another. It is not that we don’t appreciate John Ben’s histrionic talents and his deftness with a press release ; it’s just that there must be some limit to the sideshows the State is willing to finance. When he came back from the Governor’s Conference and was asked if any of the many possible candidates for president mentioned there suited him, he replied, “there wasn’t an idea in the carload.” The Governor is isolated and can’t bear it. He brags about the political ostracism he has brought upon Texas and then denies that it exists; he stands for policies discredited before the nation but ifisiststhe nation respects him more than ever. It is sad. Staff Correspondents: Bob Bray, Galveston; Anne Chambers, Corpus Christi ; Ramon Garces, Laredo ; Clyde Johnson, Corsicana; Mike Id.i.stovia, Bryan; Jack Morgan, Port Arthur ; and reporters in Dallas, Houston, Beaumont, El Paso, Crystal City, and Big Spring. Staff Contributors: Leonard Burress, Deep . East Texas; Minnie Fisher Cunningham, New. Waverley, Bruce Cutler, Austin ; Edwin Sue Coree, Burnet; John Igo, San Antonio; Franklin Jones, Marshall ; George’Jones, Washington, D.C.; J. Henry Martindale, Lockhart; Dan Strawn, Kenedy ; Jack Summerfield i Austin ; and others.. Staff cartoonist: Don Bartlett, Austin. Cartoonists: Neil Caldwell, Austin; Bob Eckhardt, Houston; Etta Hulme, Austin. MAILING ADDRESS : Drawer F, Capitol Staotion, Austin, Texas. EDITORIAL AND BUSINESS OFFICE: 504: West 24th St., Austin, Texas. Phone 7-0746. HOUSTON OFFICE: 2601 Crawford St, Eonstoh, Texas. \(Mrs. R. D. Randolph, director, sub. % Frankly Speaking MARSHALL As the shock of the national misfortune of the President’s heart at tack wears off, it is inevitable that we think of its political implications. Our safety and welfare will of course re main intact. Realism’demands that we acknowledge that the President has acted more as a constitutional monarch than as a chief executive. His readi ness to accept policies formed in Con gress resulted in both the inept pro gram created by the Republican Congress of 1953 and the more acceptable one largely created by the Democratic ,Congres’s of 1955. Even if the Vice-President ‘must substitute in large measure for the coming months, the country is great enough to withstand the test. A Man must grow who assumes the powers and duties of president. The cloth coat and dog opera days of Dickey Boy Nixon will fade, and he will likely form some convictions if he must act for Ike. But I have my fingers crossed. The plate where the sudden -‘with drawal of the President as a second term candidate will produce the most consternation in within the brawl known as the Republican Party. Somehow the iron cage of a wild ani mal act in a circus comes to mind. Mc Carthy unwillingly crouches on a wooden drum, awaiting his opportun ity and intermittently snarling. Senator Knowland. sulks near the center of the cage, balefully .submitting to the spell of the trainer’s eye . and personality. The lesser occupants glare as they go through their public performance. The darling of the act is nimblefooted Nixon, who slithers from one position to another without a break of pace. The spell of the trainer alone, keeps order among them all. Then, suddenly, the trainer goes down, temporarily pdwerless. What will follow ? Can ringmaster Hall, barker Hagerty and the others hope to substitute their talent for malarky in place of the skill of the trainer? They will seek to persuade the audience that the act was paramount to 1 ‘t I 8 the trainer, and that an orderly show will go on. The tiger really loves the lion, and the panther the leopard, they’ll say. But the hero is down, and there is panic in the cage. * FRANKLIN JONES Just Parity By Countryside and Town NEW WAVERLEY In East Texas there used to be a was always wishing for astronomical sums of money. Since he had never handled any large amounts, it amused someone to ask him one day, “What would you do if you had all the money in the worldevery bit of it?” After due deliberation the man replied, “Why, I’d pay my debtsas far as it would go.” And that was about the situation on East Texas farms in those so-called prosperous twenties. Then came the New Deal farm programs with price supports. While we didn’t have all the money in the world \(even if Mr. Benson tries to make the , some. And what did we do with it? The farmer went to town and paid on the mortgage. The mortgage holder, who thought sure he would lose that money, took it and went and paid his doctor’s bill and made a needed engagement with the dentist. And the doctor and the dentist hurried and paid an installment or two on their shiny instruments and machines and so staved off “repossession.” Then REA came along lighting farm homes and barns and turning a few farm wheels and doing a few farm chores like the milking, and broodering the baby chicks. the farm homemakers went to town and bought a toaster and a roaster and a coffee pot and what not: It made you think of the time Brer Rabbit went to town and bought the seven tin plates and seven tin cups and a coffee pot for the children. Quickly then the electrical supply man put a few radios in stock and a washing machine and some refrigerators and a tentative television. And sold them all and ordered more. Now, the moral of this tale is that farm prosperity means customers for city merchants, who in turn are customers for factories. We are not ask ing for “all the money in the world.” Just parity. That’s all. M.F.C, ,tolation’