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OUT NO FUTURE FOR ME MORROW, Let those flatter who fear, it is not an American art. JEFFERSON Anew Jlowolilate The Citizens’ Councils of Kilgore and Marshallreported on at length in last week’s Observerare dangerous organizations. They extend to Texas a new flow of hate against the Negro. The breathtaking bigotry of the Kilgore group’s spokesmen merely gives a foretaste of the potential among the council’s membership for hate, economic intimidation, and violence. One untoward incident, and what starts as a peaceful assembly to protest what the assemblers think is unjust can become a raging mob, bent on violent retribution. One can only hope that the conservatives of East Texas will keep the extremists in check. Negroes fired from their already lowly jobs because they exercise their right of free speech should have an appeal to the courts. And the full power of the law will be arrayed against anyone who takes recourse to threats or violence. As for our public officials in Austin, let them think long and hard before they encourage what could become tragic ; let them weigh each statement about desegregation against their responsibility not to give aid and comfort to groups organized to combat the law. What happens, or does not happen, will be as much the result of the level of leadership in Austin as of the dark and clotted passions from a dead past. Zimit to Unity It is all very well for the loyalist leaders of Texas to emerge from a conference with Speaker Sam Rayburn talking unity among Texas Democrats, denying that they are the chief fact of Texas politics is that the Democratic Party contains the Republicans also, and people of Demorcatic principle cannot profitably or intelligently unite with people of Republican principle in an election the purpose of which is to decide the people’s will over that very difference. 5he Yearly red et We need to re-evaluate the direction of Texas higher education. The Legislature will not appropriate enough money 1.aiiipance expansive, Nc s all significant research ;projects among our state’s best riiinCri. Students are rushed through on a treadmill of lectures and examinations. The University of Texas is threatening to curtail enrollment because of insufficient funds. Do we need to provide more difficult and challenging curricula for our more promising students in the sciences, the arts, the humanities? Do we not need to make education at the college level available to all students who can digest it with reasonable profit to themselves and the community? Do we not need to consider a community-level vocational training program? The State pays millions for agricultural training extensionbut the state is industrializing : Why not vocational training extension, too ? We hope that the new State Commission on Higher Education will determine to turn the yearly freshet of promise that is each new wave of Texas youth into an accomplished group of self-confident and well-trained men and women. 5he Right 21cioion President Eisenhower is to be congratulated for accepting the resignation of Air Force Secretary Harold Talbott with the blunt statement that Talbott had made the right decision. Eisenhower obviously demanded the resignation because of Talbott’s private profit-taking while Air Force Secretary. If former President Truman had demanded a few resignations in the same manner, the Republicans might not be in power today.. Oixas Ottorrurr Incorporating The State Observer, combined with The East Texas Democrat AUGUT 10, 1955 cc igra 31′ 3 Published once a week from Austin, Texas. Delivered postage prepaid $4 per annum. Advertising rates available on request. Extra copies 10c each. Quantity orders available. Entered as second-class matter April 26, 1937, at the Post Office at Austin, Texas. under the act of March 3. 1879. MAILING ADDRESS: Drawer F, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas. EDITORIAL AND BUSINESS OFFICE; 504 W. 24th St., Austin, Texas. Phone 7-0746 HOUSTON OFFICE: 2501 Crawford St.. Houston, Texas \(Mrs. R. D. Randolph, Ronnie Dugger a Editor and General Manager Bill Brammer, Associate Editor Sarah Payne, Office Manager We will it and the right as we see it. We are dedicated to the whole truth, to human values above all nterests, to the rights of man as the foundation of democracy ; we will take orders rom none but our own conscience, and never will we overlook or misrepresent the ruth to serve the interests of the powerful or cater to the ignoble in the human spirit. By Etta Hahne for The Texas Observer A Shift in Foreign Policy in Sight AsWeNegotiateWiththeChinese WASHINGTON, D.C. After a week of brilliant diplomacy at Geneva, President Eisenhower returned to Washington and made a brilliant appointment in the international relations field. He sent to the Senate the nomination of Francis 0. Wilcox to be Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization ‘ Affairs boss of the UN delegation and chief architect of the executive branch’s policy toward the UN. Dr. Wilcox was for eleven years a college professor, serving last as chairman of the division of social sciences at the University of Louisville. After a year as international organization analyst for the Bureau of the Budget in Washington, and two years as chief international relations analyst of the Library of Congress, Wilcox became chief of staff for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He was hired by stayed on under Sens. Connally \(D cessors as committee chairman. Wilcox has also served as an American delegate to four UN sessions and to the Japanese Peace Conference. Change of Policy? Most significant thing about the Wilcox appointment, outside of his fine background, is that he has publicly expressed the view that the United Nations should be “universal” in membership that is, should include all the nations of the world, good, bad. and indifferent. John Foster Dulles, of course, held the same view until he became Secretary of State, at which time he promptly reversed himself and became an advocate of the view that UN membership should be extended only to the “peaceloving” nations. Wilcox’s appointment may signal a shift by Dulles back to his original view, and a shift in State Department policy toward Red China whose UN membership the De partment has hitherto opposed on the grounds that it just ain’t peacelovin’. This view is strengthened by several indicationsthe article in the April issue of Foreign Affairs by Arthur Dean, Secretary Dulles’s law partner, close friend, and spe y cial assistant, urging US recognition of Red China; statements by Burmese Premier U Nu, following his recent visit to this country, that he felt top US officials privately favored a new policy toward Red China; and most important of all, the meeting between special envoys from the US and Communist China in Geneva to discuss ways and means of relieving tension between the two countries. The ‘Legal Fiction’ The discussions at Geneva are the first official discussions between this country and Red China. At the Korean peace talks we dealt with Chinese “volunteers,” not with official army commanders. At the Indochina conference the US only observed and did not deal directly with the Communist representatives. Since June, 1954, American and Chinese consular officials in Geneva have carried on informal talks, which have resulted in the release of 20 Americans held by the Peiping government. The “Congress for Freedom,” an extreme right-wing national group has selected Dallas for its national convention in April of next year, presumably on the theory that it can raise money there. …. The Inter-American Psychological Association, with members from Canada to Chile, will meet in this country for the first time in December at the University of Texas. …. Negroes swam in the University of Texas pool for the first Texas-at-Large Young Politicians Encouraged But never has there been face-toface contact between top-level representatives of the two governments on an official basis. This is because we, unlike most European and Asian governments, have never extended diplomatic recognition to Red China, but have continued to maintain the “legal fiction” that Chiang Kai-shek’s regime in Taipei governs China. Chances seem good that we can win our objectives in these talks if we are prepared to negotiate and not to read moral lectures. Negotiation is a give and take process; if we expect concrete actions from the communists we will have to take concrete actions ourselves. Like the success of a barter of a bushel of corn for a new shirt, the barter of a UN seat for a cease-fire is successful because each party to the bargain gets something he wants more than what he gives away. To this writer, as to Arthur Dean and William 0. Douglas and many others, it seems that diplomatic recognition and a seat in the UN are things of little value to us, but of great value to the communists. This gives us a very good hand to play the game with; how astutely we will use it at Geneva is the unanswered question. GFJ time two weeks ago. They were admitted as members of a Texas Christian Youth Council training group. …. Glenn Kothman, San Antonio commission agent at the stock yards, is now stumping the state drumming up support of his candidacy for Agriculture Commissioner next year. He is typical of the flush of young men who may jump into politics now because of the better executive salaries.