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`Listen, my momma may have raised a mean child, but she raised no hypocrites.’ Molly Ivins, The Progressive Molly Ivins on the Bush Administration: “We do have some minimal standards for . citizenship. Real Texans do not wear blue slacks with little green whales all over them. Real Texans do not refer to trouble as ‘deep doo-doo.’ George Bush has a hard time passing.” The Progressive, March 1988 “Deep down, George Bush is shallow.” The Progressive, March 1989 “While people rejoiced the world over at the end of the Cold War, the United States under George Bush seems destined to be the last country in the neighborhood to be dipped for ticks.” The Progressive, January 1990 Molly lvins makes you laugh every month in The Progressive. IT Make me laugh, Molly. Send me a subscription to The Progressive for only $16.97. Address, Apt. City “Having upset every living person between the Rio Grande and Tierra del Fuego by invading Panama, our only President then proposed to settle everyone down by dispatching the ineffable Dan Quayle on a peace mission. To tell them all they looked like happy campers to him. Unfortunately, as one country after another elected not to receive Danny Q., his mission had to be scaled back. They finally let him out to say hidy to the maitre d’ at a Taco Bell.” The Progressive, March 1990 State. Zip My payment is enclosed. Bill me later. Charge my credit card. MasterCard Visa Acct. No. Exp. Date Cardholder’s Signature Complete this form and mail to: You’ll get Molly Ivins’s humor and a whole lot more when you subscribe to The Progressive … Investigative reporting … Hardhitting editorials … Incisive interviews … And great columnists like Molly lvins. 13.0. Box 421, Mt. Morris. IL 61054-0421 Or call toll -free Nationwide: 1-800-435-0715 In Illinois: 1-800-892-0753 L A570CC THE TEXAS OBSERVER 15