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tk;. . SOC I AL CAUSE CALENDAR SS, k, the San Antonio anti-nucle: A.,,g..r -.:14foup. will have a funclraisgt ,..iw# , :,.J..4004 tand House, San AntOni0..,::.4614 e to door. Call Pay Coy, .\(5 i,:rnore information. .:::::::. Jim t’4’oodso l Recent The Citizens Party riornine or .S. resident. Sonia Johnson, \\ ill speak at U.T.-Austin, Welch Hall Auditorium, January 30, 7 p.m., reception follows talk. Tickets to the reception must be urc jased ,ook\\Vomen. and Celebration. For more information call 453-4812. SWEETIIEAICT BALI, Texans for Children. an A lobbying to increast.’ AFDC rC a,blue jeans zind black tie’sweet e ebi-uar. 5, Stephen F. Austin Hotie Ballroom. 9 p.m.-I a.m.. $5 per person; music b . Marcia Ball, Proceeds go to the lobbying effort. Call 474-5019 for ticket information. tees on upcoming events must ra