Abbott’s Border Standoff Fueled by a Climate Crisis He Helped to Create
Record levels of forced migration are tied to an environmental collapse that Republicans worsened on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.
Since 1954
Record levels of forced migration are tied to an environmental collapse that Republicans worsened on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.
More people are displaced than ever before — nearly 69 million. The scale of that crisis is hard to grasp, but visitors to One to Another will see it in a new light.
“The government certainly has been relentless in their attempts to find ways to force their anti-abortion beliefs on this population,” said an ACLU attorney.
The ruling allowing Doe to get the abortion does not yet change the federal policy that initially blocked her procedure.
"There is no room for dignified depiction of refugees, and they’re not shown as human beings with hopes and plans to go back to normal life."
The bill would do nothing to keep the feds from placing refugees in Texas, but limits the state’s ability to negotiate specifics of resettlement.
As political leaders argue over the crisis at the Texas-Mexico border, local communities and nonprofits carry the weight.
Citing the potential for abuse at the center, a Travis County judge prevented Texas’ child welfare agency from licensing the facility for child care.