Lawmen Above the Law
A new book takes aim at the seemingly unchecked power of America’s gun-toting sheriffs.
Since 1954
A new book takes aim at the seemingly unchecked power of America’s gun-toting sheriffs.
Architects have made a Fort Worth neighborhood’s history part of the plan.
One dissenting judge said the decision guarantees the media “will only be able to report information the government chooses to share.”
An unconventional citizen journalist stands up for free speech by suing the Laredo public officials who had her arrested.
Senate Bill 4 could be the vehicle for the U.S. Supreme Court to finally unleash Lone Star Republicans on the world’s huddled masses.
House Bill 4 would turn local police into border enforcers—with new unchecked power.
A new report from the Texas Council on Family Violence analyzed hundreds of deaths in the Lone Star State.
Investigations and prosecutions of homicides involving alleged domestic violence are uneven across Texas.
Up to 40 percent of the people who end up behind bars in Travis County are in crisis. Diversion offers better options.
Cheryl Wattley helped free Richard Miles, who spent more than a decade in prison for a murder he didn’t commit.