LGBT Group Backs GOP Lawmaker’s Proposal to Remove Clerks’ Names from Marriage Licenses
Equality Texas and Republican legislators don't often agree, but Senate Bill 911 appears to be a rare instance of consensus.
Since 1954
John Wright is a freelance journalist based in Austin. Follow him on Twitter @LSQnews.
Equality Texas and Republican legislators don't often agree, but Senate Bill 911 appears to be a rare instance of consensus.
"It’s harder to paint us as monsters when there’s a human face on it,” trans activist Stephanie Martinez said.
“I believe in my heart that we must put safety and dignity ahead of social engineering that is disguised as civil rights,” SB 6 author says.
Hundreds of people chanted “Y’all means all!” and “Ain't gonna let no bathroom bill turn us around.”
At pastors’ briefing, Senator Lois Kolkhorst calls her filing of the bathroom bill a ‘spiritual’ decision.
A conservative member warned of a 'public fight' if House leadership tries to kill discriminatory legislation.
“We’re creating generation after generation after generation of sexually illiterate adults.”
Out lesbian lawmaker says SB 651 is another sign 2017 session could be 'most divisive ever.'
Attorney General Ken Paxton says Christian lawmakers are at "spiritual war, and your prayers are what make the difference in that."
Jess Herbst, who became mayor of tiny New Hope last May, came out in an open letter to the town’s residents.