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Cost of salaries fir an additional 561,000 nurses, an increase that will be necessary by = $20 billion 1010″ DDG-51 Guided Missile Destroyer program 2 THESE TOO FOR THEIR WARS 100 New Natural Gas School. Buses to replace highpolluting diesel buses 13 million = 2 Expand Medicare to everyone in the U.S., saving 18,000 Americans annually from death= $41 billion C-17A Heavy Airlift Airplane program 2 due to lack of health insurance coverage 14 \(SA\(f Portion of “No Child Leff Behind Ace’ left unfunded in 2003 federal budget 15 This = $ 4 u nion = C-130 Aircraft Avionics Modernization program was to help schools in impoverished program isAivr areas. Annual cost to enroll 1100 Children in Head = / .59 = One “Upgraded” Abrams Tank tsAio 2 Start Pre School. Programs 16 Five years of fimding kw a global tuberculosis E-8C Joint Surveillance $9.1Target Attack control program $9.1 Dimon Radar System program isAio 2 Fix deteriorating U.S. school buildings IS = $268 billion One third of the estimate cost ofthe Joint Strike Fighter program. I Estimated cost of reopening the 64 general = $3.1 billion CH-47F Cargo Helicopter program cost. hospitals closed in 2000 -0 Enacted and proposed cuts to New York City = $52 55 million 2 Public Libraries, FY 2003 & 2004 21 SOURCES AFL-CIO Housing investment Trust 2002 Annual Report. p2, ; SAR = DoD Selected Acquisition Report Summary rabies September 30. 2002. http://www.acq ,osd.raVaralamisor/2002SEP-SARSUMTAB.pdf 3 ‘Renewing Where We Live”. Union of Concerned Scientists:,cfm ?pubic a11on10= -349 4 Ameran Society of Civil Engineers “Report Card for America’s Infrastructure”, Witting Water: –6 5 Federal Highway Administration “2002 Status of the Notion’s Highways, Bridges, and Transit” : http://www.fhwo ,clot.govIpoicy/2002cpries8.htra 6 Seymour Melmon, After Capitaiscn, P 100. 7 Seymour Heiman, After Capitaism. P 100. 8 ASSOCIATION OF STATE DAM SAFETY OFFICIALS April 16, 2002: htip://,contentid=85 9 John E. Uknonn7 –Engineering estimate. . %0 New York tunes “Price of Sole Water for Ail: $10 Mon and the WM to Provide It” Nov 23, 2000. New yo* Times, “China Tests German-Mode Fast Train: Deal Awarded” January 1, 2003 12 Seymour Melman and on Abrams, engineering estimate. Rebecca Sayre, Union Of Concerned Scientists; also fittp://www.ucsusa.orgicleon_vehicbsitivcks_ond_busesipage,cfm?pogelD —z244 Thomas bodenheimer, Physicians for a Notional Health Program: ,—raecticare_qa Karen Davis, President, The Commonwealth Fund The hiciqen cost of a fragmented health insuron 9e system: hffp://www.pnhporginewsforchtves/001697.php Office of Congresswoman Tubbs Jones: http://www.house_goviapps/lisf/press/ohlltubbsiones/pr_030108_educolion.html Administration for Children & Forages, “Head Start Program Fact Sheet”, FY 2002: http://wvAw.acf.hhs.govJprograras/hsb/reseorch/2003.htm 17 Global Pion to Stop TB Phase 1: 2001 to 2005 page 15. NEA estimate: hilp://vo,vw,modemschools.orgineed George Runner, “CaFfronia Needs to Compete for Key Mikity Jet Contract.” Los Angeles Times, Nov. 2. 1997. Seymour tv1eiman. engineering estimate; Office of Inspector General, “Hospital Closure 2000” http://oig_hhs.govioelireports/oe1-04-02-000100f 21 The City Of New York, Summary of Reduction Programs, fRsgal Yeor 20.04 Executive Budget , htlp://www.nycgov/html/ornb/pdfisrp4_03.pdf S Dept of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statisfics. Occupation Proieciions and Training Data, 2002-3 * Seymour tvleirnan is Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineering. of Columbia University. His latest book is After C gpitaisra: From Monageriaism to recent. 20023, shorter papers on the U.S. war in Iraq. The website includes a complete dine, with bibiography, for a course on War Econornytat previously was offered at Columbio University, Research and layout by Be.niamin Abroms. Ad Courtesy of the Bernard and Audre Rapoport Foundation Bernard Rapoport Chairman of the Board 5/23/03 THE TEXAS OBSERVER 19