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HOT JUMBO BAGEL CAFE & BAKERY 307 WEST 5-rui STREET AUSTIN, TX 512.477.1137 TM GET THE STATE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS ON-LINE Tough, investigative reporting; the wit and good sense of Molly Ivins and Jim Hightower; Political Intelligence; insightful cultural analysis; and much more. Check out Molly [vies’ special subscription offer, too! Subscribe on-line or call The Texas Observer at 800-939-6620 WRITE DIALOGUE The Texas Observer 307 W. 7th St. Austin, TX 78701 [email protected] n the other hand, it is equally true that the needs of modern industry have been tremendous stimuli to scientific investigation. The demands of progressive production and transportation have set new problems to inquiry; the processes used in industry have suggested new experimental appliances and operations in science; the wealth rolled up in business has to some extent been diverted to endowment of research. The uninterrupted and pervasive interaction of scientific discovery and industrial application has fructified both science and industry, and has brought home to the contemporary mind the fact that the gist of scientific knowledge is control of natural energies. These four facts, natural science, experimentation, control, and progress have been inextricably bound up together. That up to the present the application of the newer methods and results has influ enced the means of life rather than its ends; or, better put, that human aims have so far been affected in an accidental rather than in an intelligently directed way, signifies that so far the change has been technical rather than human and moral, that it has been economic rather than adequately social. Put in the language of Bacon, this means that while we have been reasonably successful in obtaining command of nature by means of science, our science is not yet such that this command is systematically and preeminently applied to the relief of human estate. Such applications occur and in great numbers, but they are incidental, sporadic and external. And this limitation defines the specific problem of philosophical reconstruction at the present time. For it emphasizes the larger social deficiencies that require intelligent diagnosis, and projection of aims and methods. RECONSTRUCTION IN PHILOSOPHY BY JOHN DE WEY AD COURTESY OF THE BERNARD AND AUDRE RAPOPORT FOUNDATION Bernard Rapoport Chairman of the I3oarcl 6121102 THE TEXAS OBSERVER 15