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An Austin Tradition! Before Central Markel.. Before Whole Foods there was Wheatsville… We’re your community-owned grocery store! [xperience shopping on a human scale! Since 1976 -4RE ;lb 411t$V16 THOSE TREES BELONGED TO YOU. NOT THE TIMBER INDUSTRY Believe it or not, this is a National Forest, here for the enjoyment of everyone not the profit of a select few. With only ie% of our ancient forests remaining, it’s time to assert the public’s property rights. So please call. Together, we can save what’s left. For all of us. 85 Second Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 fOLNOSES EVELOPMEN AS FREE A.MARTYA SEN Safety Commission meets, is for a termination hearing. \(A D.P.S. spokesperson acknowledged that all six D.P.S. divisions are headed by white men, but pointed out that the Chief of Legal Services not a policyIn that clubby atmosphere, another curious aspect of the D.P.S. ethos is occasionally evident. In August, senior officers told the Public Safety Commission of a $3 million cost overrun on the $7 million project to build new D.P.S. offices. For more than two years, the agency has been under the scrutiny of the state auditor for lax fiscal management. In most other areas of public or private business, the overrun would have cost someone his or her job. Yet at the August meeting, the ensuing discussion was brief. No one at the D.P.S. was reprimanded, disciplined, or put on probation. That was for a $3 million mistake. For tearing up three traffic tickets, however, Kevin Hodge lost his job. For the record, the vote of the Public Safety Commission to confirm termination was 3 to 0. Austin writer Lucius Lomax attends many state government hearings. “Democracy,” from page 20 over concentrated economic power…. We will be back to this, the scene of the crimes against democracy, again and again, in greater and greater numbers, until we get back our country. We will be back, and back, and back, to this, our Congress, until the verdict is in, for our United States of America. \(Note: The address to Congress was written by Ronnie Dugger, with editing and additions from many other people. The entire address is available on the Observer web site, Put a Nobel Prizewinner on your bookshelf and the Observer in your mailbox! Subscribe now and receive Development as Freedom, the new book by Amartya Sen, winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economics. In his book, Sen argues that freedom is the ultimate goal of economic life, and the most efficient means of realizing the general welfare. It is a democratic good, to be enjoyed by the world’s entire population. Amartya Sen has “restored an ethical dimension to the discussion of economic problems.” Nobel Prize Committee Sign me Up! new subscription renewal gift City/State/Zip Check enclosed: $ Charge my credit card: Visa Mastercard AmEx Credit Card No. Exp Date Signature Offer courtesy of Bernard and Audrey Rapoport. Th e T exas Ob se rv er 307 W. 7th St . Austi n , TX 78701 \(51277-0746 This is a Name Address City/State/Zip Gift for: Name Address NOVEMBER 26, 1999 THE TEXAS OBSERVER 31