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az.A..0;o1 sionrnent with government is heightene. government by the intractable natureof the issues :ectine. But th *Americans continue to care about and illness. At its v zem reform of the welfare syste.,. has been on -regime laws ar have marked welfare reform. The an’ k 1 nature of the family in America: startling statistics about unwed mo and teen pregnancies, the breakdown:: traditional values; these represen t most important issues confronting ety, both as a challenge to our wa y thinking about things and as a symptd just how bad things have become. ‘cit i zensh ip It can be argued, of course, that much words, may me; of what the nation confronts is inevitably indeed; it is pre associated with life in a modern, highly 14 THE TEXAS OBSERVER re An expert on public policy and thE , , ..:Coizstitutim ur. Hickok currently set as the Secl-etary of Education for the t ‘her of Pennsylvania. This article originfr deal or very little appeared in Essays on Civil Society, th . up to the individ publication of the Civil Society Project\\ based in Hai -risburg. Pennsylvania. I lio6 BERNARD RAPOPO Chairman of the Board and : Chief Executive Officer our national government. He feels tancea sense of separation v . government, and a senseth ifment cannot deal effectg 1.0s.issues. Americans, who skeptical of governmen cynical toward it as .4, Today’s widespread sense of have to grapple with. Violent 41110:>,,, plague society. So become war zones: som e be like armed camps. Even and rural America have had ti?9, grips with the fact that violent, ” knows no boundaries. In the eyes America is an unsafe place.:, once this nation’s greatest a has become its worst embarrassment the national agenda virtua system was established, reform of health care has similar prominence and surely s ,. that area will parallel the fits and AUGUST 16, 1996 Ad eourte American Income life Insurance Company ual.The paradox offhis, however, is that EXECUTIVE OFFICES: P.O BOX 208, WACO, TEXAS 76703, 817-772-3050