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,fei.C4,a .** BLACK TEXAS WOMEN, A STORY NEVER BEFORE TOLD AN EPIC SWEEP of Texas history focusing on the prolonged and continuing struggle of hundreds of black Texas women who have resisted oppression since the early 1800s. //W V VE CAN ALL GAIN inspiration from these women. . . . My own inspirations come from civil rights activist Juanita Craft, the legendary Barbara Jordan, and the indomitable Wilhelmina Delco. These women were and are pioneers in their own communities and also great Texans. They make us all proud.” ANN W. RICHARDS .10 “AVALUABLE and moving account of the extraordinary accomplishments of black Texas women.” as -ELIZABETH FOX-GENOVESE 7 x 10 in., 448 pages, 261 photographs Look for it at your local library or bookstore. Ol e UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS Box 7819 Austin 78713 THE TEXAS OBSERVER 21