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SERVER THE TEXAS A Journal of Free Voices December 20, 1985 One Dollar a? 40 0. 07 0 k. S. The ideals of Jeffersonian democracy and ‘th e demands of technological industry could be on a collision course in this state. With the formation of the Select Committee on Higher Education, residents of Texas may be witnessing the beginning of a process in which they will end up funding a system that relegates their children to less than adequate colleges and then to less than adequate jobs, that equates corporate profit with community welfare, that subsumes university education to utilitarian ends, and that creates a cult of expertise. This could ultimately mean that Texans will be funding their own disenfranchisement. It does not have to be that way. ” 1.1:6112.1’11181ta: ‘S11* a l4 ‘ 5.f. , pieci k “I 1 4 .4. .I .11 I 6 4. I .1 V.6 :1411:.-0 v .. 4.4 \(4.511/ 07 fol 11,1 . .1,4 oor-. 53.0 0 lr w 71! , 0:0 ati ‘. tit/ J u 4. 1. d o p 0 P 11.1″:11’t 0 . / -,fl,’17 4,1r.” . 40 i . Crelp J t/ …1 i. ga …1., \\Ls , 0,, ..’ o 0 o a / .,111, . ..,r1:1 .1_40 4111 8, 01:: it !r b L0 ‘..!1i IN’ ‘OA 4:1’Ll 0 i,ri _,. Qt 11, i -, _ , I It 1 W 4