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because I thought his selection would be to the interests of the project, on account of his ability and familiarity with the details of the project.” Buchanan, too, believed that knowledge and familiarity with the project were essential to its successful completion, and so even he favored the appointment of Malott. Malott was a most dislikable, somewhat odd person, as Beverly Randolph remembers, and he did not impress members of the Board of Directors of the new Authority with his goodwill and diplomacy. He did intend to take over control of the project and to run it pretty much as he saw fit. In late August, 1935, this issue came to a head. In seeking to resolve the matter, once more the aid of Charles Marsh, publisher of the Austin American, was sought. The Board members simply were unwilling to accept Malott and his efforts to control the project. They rejected Buchanan’s endorsement of Malott and even threatened to resign en masse rather than to accept Malott as general manager. Raymond Brooks, member of the Board and employee of Marsh on the Austin American, sent a telegram to Marsh on August 16th, stating that the “Board unanimously declined to elect him [Malott] for political intriguing comma efforts to discredit the Board and dominating attempt to control project. My opinion is board would resign rather than select Malott after what has occurred.” The situation obviously had gotten out of hand and, at the time, it must have appeared that the river project was on verge of yet another collapse. The Directors, however, indicated that they were more than willing to cooperate with Buchanan and Ickes. They simply would not accept Malott as general manager. A bargain soon was struck, at the initiation of the Board, to accept any general manager who was recommended by Ickes. Very quickly thereafter, the issue was resolved. Ickes recommended Clarence McDonough who was the director of Engineering of the PWA, and who already had considerable experience in the construction of dams. The Board quickly complied, and Mr. Malott was left out in the cold. But others soon would fill his shoes more than adequately. Taming the River, Part Two, will run in the next issue of the Observer. It con cerns the emergence of Lyn don Johnson, politician. A roast of Ralph Nader proclaimed that when the obstetrician spanked breath into him, Ralph struck him back. As one of the midwives at the Observer birth, I can say it did the same. Keep it up. Franklin Jones TexasMonthlyPress PROMOTES AUSTIN! DI MOST COM sum TO TEMPE ail AUSTIN: The Texas Monthly Guidebook The first complete guide to Texas’ most en tertaining city, Richard Zelade $9.95 BIG BROTHER *VG BLUES THE LIM-OREM. cARTooNs OF BFN SARGENT BIG BROTHER BLUES A four year collection that reveals this Austin American-Statesman cartoonist’s wit and po litical savvy. Ben Sargent $7.95 Available from your local bookstore or write to Texas Monthly Press Post Office Book 1569 Austin, Texas 78767 Please enclose S2 00 for shipping Texas Residents add 5 125% sales tax THE TEXAS OBSERVER 23