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By Geoffrey Rips San Benito IT IS A HOUSE like many others in this neighborhood of small frame and cinder-block houses a few blocks from the expressway connecting Harlingen and Brownsville. A house like many others with a garden and whitewashed cinder-block walls. But there are a large number of people entering and leaving the door at the back of this house. And on a door at the front “Casa Oscar Romero” is painted in black. On this late afternoon in San Benito, five or six men in their late teens, twenties, and thirties kick around a soccer ball on the empty, dusty lot next to the house. An older man and young girl sit on a wooden bench with their backs against a wall of the house. The man grips the edge of the plank on which he is seated and stares off into space. The girl watches the men kicking the ball around and laughs. Near the rear entrance to the house three women are engaged in discussion. A trailer with a little awning attached is located some hundred feet behind the house. Jack and Diane Elder live here with their four young sons while they oversee the operation of this haven for Central American refugees. Pho to by Nancy Ma n is ca lco In This Issue: nwersity Nicaraguan Defense Contracts Contradictions TEXAS 13 SERVER March 9, 1984 A Journal of Free Voices 75C Borders and Unions in the Valley Bitter harvest of the freeze.