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In This Issue: Riding Out Alicia Dugger on Tower TEXAS13 ERVER September 16, 1983 A Journal of Free Voices 75C Simpson Mazzoli: Supply-Side Immigration Policy By Geoffrey Rips Austin IN THE SPRING of this year, Sacarais Ruiz, 39, left his home and family a wife and three children in Moctezuma in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi to find seasonal work in Texas. It was the first time he’d joined the undocumented labor pool entering the United States, but a drought had made it necessary for Ruiz to bring in additional income for the family that made its living working the communal ejido in Moctezuma. Until this year, Ruiz had worked cattle while his father raised crops. Ruiz had planned to return to Moctezuma by September. On September 5, Sacarais Ruiz was engaged in the spraying of cotton fields with the herbicide Dinitro-3 on the farm of W. P. Scamardo near Bryan. Early that afternoon, Ruiz complained to two co-workers that he did not feel well. That evening, when foreman George Ritchie picked up Ruiz and the co-workers after work, Ritchie gave Ruiz two aspirin for a headache. Later that night Ruiz’s co-workers called Ritchie to tell him to take Ruiz to the hospital. Ruiz arrived at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bryan at 10:15 p.m. He died 35 minutes later. The autopsy lists the cause of Mr. Ruiz’s death as acute poisoning. Pending the completion of toxicity tests at Texas Tech laboratory, “presumptive Dinitro-3 poisoning” is listed as the poisoning agent. A cousin called the Ruiz family in Mexico to notify them of the death. Waiting to get in Central American refugees at Houston INS office. Pho to by Alan Pog u e Prisons Inside risons and Out