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Personal Service Quality Insurance ALICE ANDERSON AGENCY INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 808A E. 46th, Austin, Texas 459-6577 FARM INCOME is the SAME in 1977-78 as it was in 1974 while the price we ALL pay is inflated by 33% UP OVER 200% ON SOME FARM ITEMS WWI, UK. TO CHANT THAT TO KEMP EVIIIRYOOOY ItATSNO Texas Cr1111 Farmers L.9ii Union MI, 800 LAKE AIR DR. WACO, TEXAS 76710 817 772-7220 THE COS PRICE ialogue Unfair and biased? I understand and respect The Texas Observer’s policy of printing articles written by persons of all political persuasions. But I was really surprised that the Observer printed Doug Harlan’s piece on John Tower and the other Texas Republican “underdogs” \(Obs., wasn’t good journalism. Anyone familiar with West Texas politics during the past five years knows that article wasn’t just Tower staff member Harlan working to make sure he has a job in November. That was defeated candidate Harlan trying to score a few points against the man, Bob Krueger, who defeated him during a tough campaign in 1974 for the 21st district congressional seat. Fair and unbiased journalism? As fair and unbiased as Doug Harlan in 1974 when he said Bob Krueger couldn’t represent West Texas because he voted for George McGovern in 1972. I’ve read a hell of a lot better before in the Observer by people I’ve disagreed with. Ed Wendler Austin Doug Harlan, who says he is happily employed teaching political science at Trinity University, does not work for Tower, though he did serve a brief stint in the senator’s Washington office in 1962. It is well-known in Republican circles that there is no love lost between Tower and Harlan today, so he is not likely to seek-or be offered-a job. -Eds. Shine on Right on, “Small beer” \(Obs., Now will Scholz Garten bring back Shiner in the keg? Betty Burkhalter Austin Art appreciation Enclosed is a check for my contribution to your effort to see the Observer sent to all libraries in Texas \(Obs., May At the same time, I would like to express my appreciation to two of your contributors, although there are many whose work is very good. I am thinking in particular of the art contributed by John Spragens Jr. and your cartoonist, Beth Epstein, whose artwork for the story “The sun also sets” was especially fine \(Obs., 24 AUGUST 11, 1978 Both Spragens and Epstein do much to enliven your pages and make more enjoyable an excellent publication. Kevin Thomas Doyle Arlington Thanks from Somerset I should have written sooner and expressed my everlasting gratitude to The Texas Observer, Eric Hartman and Tim Mahoney for the article entitled “A little bitty dynasty” \(Obs., The good citizens who have tried for years to change the sad situation in our school district were finally rewarded on June 24 when Norman Slaughter and Ar chie Knight, the two independent candidates in the Somerset school trustee election, were elected to be the new members of our school board. Your magazine has done more to upgrade the educational system in Texas than any governor, senator, representative or educational agency in the state. Again our most grateful thanks. Vera Dailey Poteet Initiative financing Senator Walter Mengden’s convincing advocacy of the initiative \(Obs., refuted the arguments against the initiative proposal except the most important one. The experience of other states demonstrates that massive spending by the proponents of one side of an issue tively destroy the citizenry’s ability to make an independent choice about the merits of an issue. As the article by John Shockley in the same issue points out, the Supreme Court has declared that states may not prevent corporations from contributing to initiative campaigns. However, states may, consistent with the Constitution, provide a public funding mechanism which could insure that the public hears the arguments on both sides of an initiative issue. If Senator Mengden truly wants to increase the level of democracy within the state, his initiative proposal should include a public financing provision that would place both sides of an issue in a position of rough parity. Even “the people” cannot make rational judgments absent a fair and balanced debate on a question. Jim Marston Austin THE COMMODORE HOTEL On Capitol Hill Owned by Texans. Run by a Texan. 520 N. Capitol St., NW Washington, D.C. 20001 IF YOU ARE an occasional reader and would like to receive The Texas Observer regularlyor if you ate a subscriber and would like to have a free sample copy or a one-year gift subscription sent to a friend here’s the order form: SEND THE OBSERVER TO name street city state zip this subscription is for myself. gift subscription; send card in my name. sample copy only; you may use my name. $12 enclosed for a one-year sub. bill me for $12. MY NAME & ADDRESS THE TEXAS OBSERVER 600 W. 7th, Austin, Texas 78701 Postmaster: If undeliverable, send Form 3579 to The Texas Observer, 600 W. 7th, Austin, Texas 78701