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Postmaster: If undeliverable, send Form 3579 to The Texas Observer, 600 W. 7th, Austin, Tex. 78701 CONSUMERS PAY 50% MORE FOR FOOD TODAY THAN IN 1972 BUT FAMILY FARMERS SEE A LOSS UNEQUALED SINCE 1933 Texas ir, 111 Farmers L ATi g i Union M. IF YOU ARE an occasional reader and would like to receive the Texas Observer regularlyor if you are a subscriber and would like to have a free sample copy or a one year gift subscription sent to a friendhere’s the order form: SEND THE OBSERVER TO name street city state zip this subscription is for myself gift subscription; send card in my name sample copy only; you may use my name $12 enclosed for a one year sub bill me for $12 MY NAME & ADDRESS \(if not shown THE TEXAS OBSERVER 600 W. 7th, Austin, Texas 78701 gr We messe one of the key, June 17 issue e dealing with College’s attempt fr y appropriation o f 1 corded exactly bac inerribers who are she star do not deserve it one should get a black mark, while recorded as voting wrong b y lights actually should have the In short, the votes in co1944,*;: should be the reverse of have them listed. Dialogue Observer ads For some years now I have always believed that advertisers in the Observer just advertised “to help the Observer.” So when the new editors took over the helm in January, I talked to my partners in the Commodore Hotel Corp., and we, too, decided to advertise “to help the Observer.” Well, not only do I wish to compliment you on the improved political thrust of your magazine, but also wish to report that, to my great surprise, those advertisements actually pay for themselves a number of times over. The Observer, it seems, has quite a devoted readership that really believes in patronizing its advertisers. At least that is what our hotel manager, Julia Carleton, reports. Without prompting, she told our hotel’s board of directors that “you know, considering the results, those modest Texas Observer ads are the best advertising dollar we spend.” Just thought you’d like to know. Chuck Caldwell, president, Commodore Hotel Corp., 520 N. Capitol St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Last frontier Interesting that your column on workdesk the same day as the following tidbit from a Corpus Christi Industrial Commission promotional pamphlet on the city’s labor climate: Celebrated as “the last frontier of labor willing to work”and reasonably. Large pool of female labor trainable, with dexterity. This is a right-to-work state. I shudder to think how many minds ture” has repressed. A body is only as strong as its weakest member. Shannon Lewis Faircioth, 2001 Bryan Tower, Suite 2700, Dallas. Peddling workers for cheap seems to be a standard line in the pitch of Texas industrial boosters. The South Texas chamber of commerce, based in San Antonio, ran a June ad in Business Week promising prospective firms that “You’ll get your pick of eager, contented workers in a state where productivity is 16 percent above average.” -Eds. Yarborough’s measure June 8 marked Ralph Yarborough’s 74th birthday. At this time, we who have reached political maturity during this remarkable man’s lifetime should pause and consider the significance of his career and its effect on Texas political and social thought. To measure Ralph Yarborough’s place in history by elections won or lost, laws passed, or some other objective standard is too narrow and fails to grasp the broader meaning of his career. His most significant and lasting contribution has been and still is the influence he has had on others. By his personal example and his leadership, he has shown that progressive theory may be turned into political reality. He has given us the courage to take our politial principles out of the closet and into the glaring light of political action. What progress we have made in Texas toward humanizing our political institutions and shifting our government’s emphasis from property to people must be attributed in great measure to the influence of his example on others. As a private citizen, Ralph Yarborough, like Jefferson, continues to practice the faith which teaches that people are the world’s most important assets and that life is more important than any form of material wealth. He lives this faith every day of his life, free of the binding chains of ideology or partisan politics. In so doing, he continues his role as our political conscience by giving us vision when our view is clouded, giving us courage when we are downhearted, and calling us back to our faith when we lose our way. For these things and countless more, we say a heartfelt “thank you.” Bob W. Martin, 2001 Bryan Tower, Dallas. Kirby exonerated I wish to state publicly my sincere regret that certain statements I made recently \(Obs., Lumber Corp. and the Big Thicket were mistaken. Kirby Lumber had nothing to do with timber cutting in the Beech Creek Unit of the Big Thicket Preserve. Nor did the oil-field road into the preserve’s Lance Rosier Unit mentioned in the Observer article lie on Kirby land. Other companies were involved in these instances, and I apologize for these most unfortunate errors. Pete A. Gunter, 225 Jagoe St., Denton.